Two Pope saints: Indonesian Catholics prepare Masses and street parties for the "double canonization"
by Mathias Hariyadi
Many events planned for an "unforgettable" event. The Archbishop of Jakarta launches a celebration of prayer and thanksgiving, with 1,500 worshipers. The Catholic University of Atma Jaya celebrates a Mass to commemorate the Polish Pontiff. Pope John XXIII and the special bond with the first President Soekarno.

Jakarta (AsiaNews) - The Catholic Church in Indonesia is getting ready for the canonization of two Popes, scheduled for tomorrow, April 27 in St. Peter's Basilica, with joy and participation; many events have been planned to celebrate John XXIII and John Paul II, two Popes linked - albeit in a different way - the story of Indonesia. The organization of celebrations, religious services and the square parties have been planned to witness live to an "unforgettable" event. The Archbishop of Jakarta, Bishop Ignatius Suharyo has launched a celebration of thanksgiving and prayer, to be held at the Indonesian Miniature Park (TMII); expected to gather at least 1,500 Catholics from the Archdiocese parishes.

Tomorrow afternoon the Catholic University of Atma Jaya, South Jakarta, will celebrate a special Mass on campus to commemorate the visit of Pope John Paul II to Indonesia in 1989; in the context of the stay, the Polish pontiff celebrated a special Mass in the capital's stadium, which was attended by over 100 thousand faithful. There were 50 thousand at the liturgy held at the Air Force base in Yogyakarta .

John Paul II's trip to Indonesia included a night's stay at the Major Seminary of Flores island in the province of East Nusa Tenggara Province ( NTT ), which has a large Christian presence ; Pope John Paul II concluded his trip with a visit to the then Indonesian province of East Timor

Fr. Yustinus Sulistiadi Pr, a priest in Jakarta, recently launched a video containing some of the most important speeches of the Polish Pontiff . He also organized a special meeting of prayer at Christ the King parish in South Jakarta, to experience the canonization ceremony at the Vatican "live". Over the past three years, the priest has work tirelessly in collecting material, texts, audio and video dedicated to John Paul II , while promoting exhibitions "[ John Paul II ] was a great man, that changed the 'face' of the modern Church " said the priest , "he brought it closer to the world , but above all to the poor and marginalized".

However there is also a personal bond between the Roncalli Pope and Soekarno , the first president of the Republic, the country's leader between 1945 and 1966 . Historically, his visit to the Vatican on May 14 , 1959, was one of the three occasions on which the head of state crossed the Petrine walls. Earlier, in June 1956 , he met with Pope Pius XII , receiving a knighthood of the Grand Cross of the Piano Order. And on a third occasion, October 12, 1964, he was received by Pope Paul VI .

On all three occasions, Indonesian media gave wide coverage to the meetings, the importance and prestige of which president Soekarno wanted to emphasize, to the point he told his official biographer : "I'm a Muslim leader (of the most populous Muslim nation in the world) , but I have received the Medal of Honor from three different Popes"., the Indonesian president has repeatedly stressed John XXIII's wisdom and the depth of his speeches, considered a "great prophet" for the modern world . Roncalli, Pacelli and Montini looked to Indonesia as " a moderate Muslim nation , with a key role" in Christian-Muslim encounter and dialogue, in which the minority was regarded and treated with respect.