Nepal declares support for United Nations in the fight against ISIS
by Christopher Sharma
Kathmandu shares the position presented by the Vatican. The United Nations "is more appropriate to a coalition between the United States and Muslim nations" to resolve the crisis of terrorism in Iraq.

Kathmandu (AsiaNews) - Echoing Pope Francis and the Vatican, Nepal has joined the United Nations drive to stop the militants of the Islamic state (IS). Ahead of the 69th General Assembly of the United Nations (16 September-1 October), Nepalese authorities reject the American proposal to form an alliance with 40 Arab countries to fight the fundamentalist threat.

"The UN - says Mahendra Pandey, Nepalese Foreign Minister - is a more reliable, credible and universal, and has the right mandate to work in the humanitarian field. This is why we share the Vatican's position, that it is more appropriate delegate the United Nations with the task of defeating the IS. We want to solve the crisis in Iraq as soon as possible. many Nepalese are suffering there, along with innocent Muslims".

The anti-IS alliance proposed by the United States includes NATO members and Arab countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar. John Kerry, Secretary of State, also hopes to get the support of Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq and Turkey.