Clergy tunes "in to God's message" to mark Christmas in Vijayawada
by Benigna Menezes*
Priests and nuns from the diocese gathered for their annual Christmas meeting, which this time also included the inauguration of the Year of Consecrated Life. The variety of orders and congregations is "a gift from God that enriches the Church."

Vijayawada (AsiaNews) - More than 300 religious leaders gathered on Sunday for their annual Christmas meeting at the NSM High School in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh in order to "tune in to God's message and the Church's voice" and thank the Lord for the privilege that awaits them this year. The evening also provided them the opportunity to celebrate the beginning of the Year of Consecrated Life, which officially opened on 21 November.

The double celebration was a moment of great joy for those present. The younger participants took care of the entertainment, whilst the more seasoned members contributed stories about their own experience.

The prayer service began with a small procession, led by the Vicar General Mgr Chinnappa, who placed the baby Jesus in the crèche as people sang "Silent Night, Holy Night". This was followed by a Benedictine cross to symbolise the year that just begun.

"At this point in time, it would be appropriate for every charismatic family to reflect on its origins and its history, and express its gratitude to God for all of His gifts to the Church," said the evening's guest of honour, Conventual Prior Fr James Mylackal OSB. "Such diversity enriches the Church and equips it for every good work."

*Mission of the Immaculate, women's congregation affiliated with the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions (PIME)