Taiwan, "Pope Francis’ style" hits bookstores
by Xin Yage
The Kuangchi Press, led by Father Moses Khan, has published books by US author Chris Lowney on Pope Francis translated in Chinese: "Doing the laundry, getting his shoes dirty, listening to the sound of the churchbell: these are the images that can summarize the ' Pope's work ".

Taipei (AsiaNews) - A large crowd of people, Catholic and non, took part in a meeting in the Taiwanese capital on the "leadership of Pope Francis" and his apostolic work. The publisher Kuangchi Press (光啟 文化 事業) - led by Fr. Moses Khan - organized the event to present the Chinese translation of two books by Chris Lowney (克里斯 ‧ 勞尼) on the "the Pope’s style".
The author looks to the Pope’s style to provoke thoughts on our own everyday lifestyle, especially in a context of a society marked by anxiety over day to day living and work.  The writer studied with the Jesuits and went on to pursue a successful career as a manager at JP Morgan. His latest work is "Pope Francis: why he leads the way he leads" (跟 教宗 方 濟 各 學 領導). On Sunday the Chinese translation was presented for the first time.

There was a huge turnout to the afternoon meeting in the afternoon,  of Catholic professionals and lay people who had read the book or reviews. Lowney presented three images to summarize the leadership proposed by Pope Francis: "Doing the laundry, dirty shoes, listening to the sound of the church bell". The three images refer to a range of behaviors, which the author found in Pope Francis’ biography, such as leading by example with his own witness and not just in words, his going out to meet the people in the most challenging and "dirty" situations, his setting aside times throughout the day to examine the day’s events and his own way of life, especially when he is busy!

The author has the ability to translate the basic principles of a healthy leadership for a lifestyle that has to deal with competitiveness and the endless commitments that characterize the lives of many people today who "have no time to stop. " Chris Lowney also responded to many questions and signed numerous copies of his books for the large group of participants. The Kuangchi Press translated two Lowney books into Chinese: "Heroic Living" (活 出 大 人生 - 頂尖 商業 領袖 教 你 制定 成功 的 人生 策略) and just "Pope Francis: why he leads the way he leads", while "Heroic leadership" had been translated by another publisher.