Pope: we need a new "civil ethics" that will not yield "to the blackmail of Caesar and Mammon, violence and money"
"The family is put to the test by so many problems " and "one of these tests is poverty", aggravated by the pseudo-models "spread by a consumer society and the" exploitation "of the family by" politics and economics”, which then substantially disassociate themselves with it. Closeness to Chinese people following Yangtze disaster.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Pope Francis has called for a new "civil ethics" that will not yield "to the blackmail of Caesar and Mammon, violence and money”.  He was speaking in a catechesis dedicated "to the consideration of the vulnerability of the family, in the conditions of life that put it to the test", particularly poverty and "the mother of all poverty": war, "a great predator of lives, souls, and one which affects the most sacred of affections and our dearest beloved”.

To 40 thousand people in St. Peter's Square, among Francis toured in his white jeep, the Pope emphasized the choice for a poor Church and therefore one that is able to be close to the poor and in doing so he  denounced the damage caused by "pseudo-models" spread  by a consumer society and the "exploitation" of the family by "politics and economics" which then substantially disassociate themselves with it, while considering "suffering, generations, family ties, as a secondary variable to the quality of life."

"The family - he said- is put to the test by so many problems " and "one of these tests is poverty. Think of the many families living in the peripheries of the megacities, but also in rural areas ... So much misery, what degradation! And then, to make matters worse, in some places there is war. War is always a terrible thing. It also especially affects the civilian population, families. Truly war is the 'mother of all poverty', war impoverishes the family, it is a great predator of lives, souls, the most sacred affections and dearest beloved. Despite all this, there are many poor families who try to live with dignity in their daily lives, often openly trusting in the blessing of God. This lesson, however, should not justify our indifference, but rather increase our shame, that there is so much poverty! It is almost a miracle that even in poverty,  families continues to form, and even to preserve – as only they can - the special humanity of their ties ".

This fact "irritates those planners of well-being who consider feelings, generations, family ties, as a secondary variable to the quality of life. They understand nothing! Instead, we should kneel before these families, who are a true school of humanity that saves society from barbarism. " What have we left if "we give in to blackmail of Caesar and Mammon, violence and money, and also give up family affections? A new civil ethics will only come to pass when those responsible for public life reorganize the social bond from the fight against the perverse spiral of family and poverty, which is leading us into the abyss”.

"The economy today has often specialized in the enjoyment of individual well-being, but widely practices the exploitation of family ties. It is a serious contradiction, this! The immense work of the family is not listed in financial statements, of course! In fact, the economy and politics are stingy with awards in this regard. Yet, the interior formation of the person and the social circulation of affections find their pillar right there. If you take it away, everything else falls down. It is not just a matter of [earning our daily ]bread. We are talking about work, we are talking about education, we are talking about health care. It is important to understand this. "

 "We are always very moved when we see pictures of hungry children and sick people who are shown to us in so many parts of the world. At the same time, we are moved by the sparkling eyes of many children, in need of help, who are in schools made of nothing, who proudly display their pencil and their notebook. And as they gaze with love at their teacher! Really the children know that man does not live by bread alone! Even family affection; when there is the misery , it is the children who suffer n because they want love, family ties. As Christians we should be close to the families tested by poverty. But think about it, all of you know someone: a dad out of work, an unemployed mother and the family suffers, ties weaken. And this is bad".

 "Social poverty targets family and sometimes destroys it." "The lack or loss of work, or work that is highly precarious, with serious implications for the family, putting a strain on relationships. The living conditions in disadvantaged neighborhoods, with housing and transportation problems, as well as the reduction of social services, health and education, cause further difficulties. Added to these material factors is the damage caused to the family by pseudo-models, spread by  a media based on consumerism and the cult of appearance, which affect the poorest social classes and  increase the breakdown of family ties. We must care for families, we must acre for family affection, but poverty puts families to the test. "

 "The Church is a mother and cannot forget the drama of her children. She  too must be poor, to become fruitful and respond to such misery. A poor Church is a Church that practices a voluntary simplicity in its lives - in its’ own institutions, in the life style of its members - to break down every wall of separation, especially from the poor. It takes prayer and action. Let us pray intensely to the Lord, to shake us, to make our Christian families protagonists of this revolution of family closeness, that is so necessary right now! The Church, from the very beginning, is made up of this close family. And let's not forget that the judgment of the needy, the little and the poor anticipates the judgment of God. Do not forget this and do everything, everything that we can to help families to overcome the test of poverty and misery that target affections , family ties ".

"The Bible says: My child, do not mock the life of the poor; do not keep needy eyes waiting. But let us think every word. Do not grieve the hungry, nor anger the needy. Do not aggravate a heart lready angry, nor delay giving to the needy. A beggar’s request do not reject; do not turn your face away from the poor. From the needy do not turn your eyes; do not give them reason to curse you. If in their pain they cry out bitterly, their Rock will hear the sound of their cry '. It says in the Gospel, if we do not do these things".

As he prepared to take his leave, Francis had a thought for China, expressing his "closeness to the Chinese people at this difficult time following the disaster of the ferry on the Yangtze River. I pray for the victims, for their families, and for all those involved in the rescue work. "