Agreement on Iranian nuclear never been closer
Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif posts message online saying agreement is close, opening new ways to address common challenges such as extremism in the Middle East.

Tehran (AsiaNews/Agencies) – Iran's foreign minister has used YouTube to say that a comprehensive agreement over Tehran’s nuclear programme has never been closer.

Calling for an end to "coercion and pressure" at the nuclear talks, which have lasted for years, Javad Zarif said that the deal would open new ways to address common challenges such as extremism in the Middle East.

The parties at the table are Iran and the 5+1 group (US, Russia, China, Britain and France, plus Germany).

The final deal should be signed by next Tuesday. An initial agreement was reached last April. However, the terms of the agreement in principle have not yet been released.

As part of the deal, Iran is to slash by two thirds of its centrifuge uranium enrichment machines (from 19,000 to 6,000); one nuclear reactor would be rebuilt to prevent it from producing enriched plutonium; and the UN nuclear watchdog agency would be able to carry out more inspections.

According to European sources, Western sanctions would be lifted as Tehran meets its obligations. However, it is unclear whether the European Union would remove some sanctions immediately.

What is certain is that any final agreement will have to go to the UN Security Council for a final say.