Card. Tong: "Laudato sì" moves us to speak less and do more for the environment
The bishop of Hong Kong says the Papal encyclical is an invitation to be part of the solution, and not only of the problem of the care of creation. The local Church has created an ad hoc committee with the task of identifying the most pressing environmental problems and proposing solutions.

Hong Kong (AsiaNews) - With the encyclical "Laudato sì" " Pope Francis "invites all people of good will to be part of the solution to the challenges that the modern world faces. The pontiff has embraced the spirit of St. Francis, highlighting the interdependence between humanity and God's creation” comments the bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal John Tong Hon, in the diocesan weekly Sunday Examiner.

The Church of the former British colony, says the bishop, "welcomes this encyclical. It is easy for us to see why it is relevant, and how it responds to the urgent needs of our time. In particular, it is a response to consumerism and irresponsible development, which in turn brings environmental degradation and climate change. I encourage everyone to read it, since you can find it both online and in print. "

But the commitment of Catholics in Hong Kong does not stop at  just reading it: "I will ask the auxiliary bishop Msgr. Joseph Ha Chi-shing to lead a commission created for the purpose which will be responsible for identifying the most pressing needs of our community and plan the response of the Diocese to the problems mentioned in the ‘Laudato sì’. We need to appreciate, admire and treat responsibly the gifts God has given us. "

Card. Tong shares the concerns expressed by the Pope regarding the international community and, speaking of the upcoming climate change conference called by the UN in Paris for next November concludes: "We hope that it will go beyond words. It's time for less talk and more action. If we all work together on these important issues, it will also improve international relations. "