Online digital library on Church documents and communications
More than 1,100 documents from the 1st to the 21st century will available in different languages, especially for those interested and working in Catholic education and training centres who would otherwise lack access to such resources.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – A press Conference was held today in the Vatican to present a new online digital library, geared especially to those interested and working in Catholic education and training centres.

Known as the Baragli Project, the initiative makes available the entire Pontifical Magesterium on communications on line, featuring excerpts from more than 1,100 papal documents on communication, translated into different languages, from the 1st to 21st century.

"It is to be hoped that this facility will allow those who are involved in formation to work together to share ideas about how best to form good pastoral communicators and to identify best practices in this regard,” said Mgr Maria Celli, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, who presented the Project.

“This collection,” he added, “enables us to appreciate how the Church’s manner and means of expressing its message have been transformed over the years in order to take account of changes and developments in the dominant forms and technologies of mass communication."

More specifically, "The site gives access to excerpts chosen from over 1,100 documents, translated into various languages, from the first to the twenty-first century,” said Fr Franco Lever, Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Social Communication at the Pontifical Salesian University.

It “features a ‘navigator’ which helps to explore available online sources; offers a platform for reading and personal study; and provides an open environment for collaboration.”

The beta version in Italian can be found at