"Brothers" for a Church going out to the edges of the world, called to launch bridges
Entitled ‘Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church’, a document was presented today at the Vatican, centred on the vocation of men and women to "be like Jesus", and on brotherhood. Also presented were the events to mark the end of the Year of the Consecrated Life in Rome from 28 January to 2 February 2016.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – The Vatican’s Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life released a new document today centred on the role and vocation of religious brothers in the life of the Church. The concluding events of the Year of Consecrated Life, to be held in Rome from 28 January to 2 February 2016, were also presented.

The document, entitled ‘Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church’, was made public at a press conference by the head of the Congregation, Card João Braz de Aviz, and its secretary, Archbishop José Rodríguez Carballo.

The document focuses on “the wealth and need for all vocations in the Church, especially the religious vocation of the lay men and women, people who want to ‘be like Jesus’,” and on “the aspect of brotherhood,” for “The religious brother reflects the face of Christ, the brother: simple, good, close to the people, friendly, generous, servant . . ."

The vocation of religious brothers – one fifth of all men religious in the Catholic Church are lay brothers or religious, i.e. not priests, "is, first of all, the Christian vocation,” said Card João Braz de Aviz. “It is the call of the Spirit to resemble Christ for the glory of the Father, and contribute to the building of the Kingdom. This contribution is realised through the exercise within the Church of a service or ministry in accordance to the Gospel, which contributes to the spiritual health of the people and to its greater material well-being."

The document includes women religious as well. “Given the similarities between female and male religious vocations,” said Card Braz de Aviz, a “Christian’s vocation is to follow Christ. However, the person of Christ is so rich that each Christian lives this vocation stressing some specific traits. Some will identify with Christ and devote themselves to material work to build a more liveable world where people can live in dignity; others will proclaim the good news, exercise the priestly ministry, teach, devote themselves to the care of the sick, and especially identify with Christ, poor, chaste and obedient."

The document notes that "the identity and mission of the religious brother can be summed up in terms of brotherhood understood as the gift the brother receives from God the Trinity, a communion of people; a gift he shares with his brothers in brotherly life in community; and a gift that he offers to the world to build a world of God's children and brothers."

"Brotherhood is not merely the result of personal efforts. One does not get to be a brother in the Gospel by desire alone or on a personal whim. Brotherhood is above all a gift from God" and "the gift the religious brother receives becomes a gift shared in brotherly life in community. The religious brother lives in the community as a brother of Christ who intercedes on behalf of the Father for the unity of his disciples." Along with his brothers, he is open to the needs of the Church and the world.

"His mission is ultimately to build a universal brotherhood based on Gospel values. The brotherhood of religious brothers is not self-referential or closed in on itself – it is a brotherhood for the mission. As Pope Francis put it, it is a brotherhood in perfect harmony with a Church going out to the edges of this world; a Church called to build bridges, open to contemporary people of every race, culture and creed.”

“Brotherly love is expressed in the Church and in the life of religious brothers in many services: educating, healing the sick, helping prisoners, accepting refugees, teaching catechesis, performing certain manual jobs, etc. Many of these services represent real ministries."

“In the document, the Church is basically seen as a mystery of communion in the image of the communion of the Son with the Father in the gift of the Holy Spirit,” said Mgr José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, secretary of the Congregation.

“The three divine persons are the model, source and pinnacle of communion of Christians with Christ. The communion among Christians stems from it (cf. 5. p.2; 3, p.1, 4, p.1; 5, p.1) in a brotherly life. It is the communion of the faithful who meet to celebrate the mystery of the Trinity and translate into reality Jesus’ plea, i.e. ‘that they may all be one, as you, Father, are in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, that the world may believe that you sent me’ (Jn, 17:21).”

“In light of its identity as a mystery of communion, the Church, moved by the Spirit, reaffirms today its awareness of being the People of God, in which everyone has the same dignity received in baptism, the same call to holiness, and the same responsibility in the mission of evangelisation (6, p.1)."

Mgr Rodriguez Carballo presented the final week of the Year of Consecrated Life, which includes all types of consecrated life: new, ordo virginum, secular institutes, contemplative, and religious of Apostolic Life.

The event, to be held in Rome, is titled ‘Consecrated life in communion,’ and is expected to bring in about 6,000 consecrated people from around the world.

It will begin with a prayer vigil on 28 January at 6 pm in St Peter's Basilica. The next day, 29 January, will be a common day for all types of consecrated life in the Paul VI Hall, centred on reflecting upon the essential elements of the consecrated life.

On 30 and 31 January, every type of consecrated life will develop its own program. Contemplatives will meet at the Pontifical Urban University; the Ordo Virginum will meet at the Pontifical University Antonianum; Secular Institutes at the Patristic Institute Augustinianum, and the Religious of apostolic life at the Pontifical Lateran University.

On 1 February, an audience will be held with the Holy Father, in Paul VI Hall, on the consecrated today in the Church and in the world, provoked by the Gospel.

Finally, as part of the Year of Mercy, a pilgrimage is planned for the morning of 2 February to the Basilicas of St Paul Outside the Walls and St Mary Major. In the afternoon, at an hour not yet decided, the pope will celebrate Mass in St Peter's Basilica.

For more information and registration, go to www.congregazionevitaconsacrata.va