Pope: women can be chosen for foot-washing rite

Following instructions from Francis, the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments issued a decree modifying “the section that says that those chosen to receive the washing of the feet have to be men or boys."

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – The Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments has issued a decree, as instructed in a letter by Pope Francis, that women can be chosen for the "Washing of the Feet" rite. This changes the Roman Missal, and modifies “the section that says that those chosen to receive the washing of the feet have to be men or boys." This means that those taking part in the rite can be selected “among all the members of the People of God.” At the same time, the pontiff “recommend[s] that an adequate explanation of the rite itself be provided to those who are chosen.”

An article published in today’s Osservatore Romano says that "The current changes entail that the designated persons be chosen from among all the members of God's people. What matters is not so much the outward imitation of what Jesus did, but the meaning of what he did with a universal scope, i.e. the self-giving "to the end" for the salvation of mankind, his charity that embraces and unites everybody in the practice of his example. The exemplum, which he gave us that we may do as he did (cfr. John 13: 14-15), goes in fact beyond the physical washing of someone else’s feet,” to include “understanding all that such a deed expresses in the service of the tangible lover for our neighbours. All antiphons proposed in the Missal during the washing reflect and illustrate this meaning of the gesture, both for those who perform it, for those who receive it, and for those who follow it with the eyes and internalise it through singing."

"The washing of the feet is not mandatory in the Missa in cena Domini. Pastors can evaluate its suitability, according to circumstances and pastoral reasons, so that it may not become almost automatic or artificial, meaningless and reduced to a scenic element. Neither should it become so important as to draw all the attention in the Mass of the Lord's Supper, celebrated in the "holiest day in which Jesus Christ our Lord was given up to death for us" (Communicantes in the Roman Canon). In the indications for the homily, we note the peculiarities of this Mass, which commemorates the institution of the Eucharist, the priestly order and the new commandment of brotherly love, the supreme law for all and for all in the Church."

"It is up to the pastors to choose a small group of people representative of the entire people of God – lay people, ordained ministers, married people, single, religious, healthy and sick, children, young and old – and not just from one category or condition. It is up to those who are chosen to offer their availability with simplicity. Finally, it is to those responsible for liturgical celebrations to prepare everything to help each and every one to participate fruitfully in this moment. The Anamnesis of the ‘new commandment’ heard in the gospel is the life of every disciple of the Lord."