Pope: a Christian must be a witness to the "light of Jesus" and "magnanimous"

“When a Christian prefers not to show the light of God but chooses his own darkness, the latter enters his heart because he is afraid of the light. Since he likes idols, which are darkness, more, he is missing something, and is not a true Christian.” However, when one enters the “light of Jesus, when one enters into Jesus’ friendship, when one lets oneself be guided by the Holy Spirit, then the heart becomes open, magnanimous . . ."

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Pope Francis led the Mass this morning at Casa Santa Marta. A number of priests celebrating their 50 years of priesthood were present at the service. In his homily, the pontiff noted that a true Christian must be a witness to the "light of Jesus" and be magnanimous like his "magnanimous father, with a big heart."

In fact, light is so important, as Jesus noted in today’s Gospel, for lamps are not “brought in to be placed under a bushel basket or under a bed, but to “be placed on a lampstand”. Indeed, “The mystery of God is light,” Francis said. “This is one of the traits of Christian who has received the light in Baptism and must give it. That is, a Christian is a witness. Bearing witness. One of the peculiarities of Christian behavior. A Christian who bears this light must show it because he is a witness.”

“When a Christian prefers not to show the light of God but chooses his own darkness, the latter enters his heart because he is afraid of the light. Since he likes idols, which are darkness, more, he is missing something, and is not a true Christian. Bearing witness: a Christian is a witness to Jesus Christ, the Light of God. He has to put that light on the lampstand of his life.”

In the Gospel Jesus says, “The measure with which you measure will be measured out to you, and still more will be given to you.” Thus, “Another Christian trait,” he reflected, “is magnanimity, because he is the child of a magnanimous father, with a big heart.”

“The Christian heart is magnanimous. It is open, always. It is not a heart that is turned inward onto its own selfishness. Or one that is calculating: ‘up to this point, up to here.’ When one enters the light of Jesus, when one enters into Jesus’ friendship, when one lets oneself be guided by the Holy Spirit, the heart becomes open, magnanimous . . . A Christian, then, does not gain, he loses. But he loses to gain something else, and in this so-called ‘defeat’ of interests, he gains Jesus; he gains by becoming Jesus’ witness.”

Turning to veteran priests  celebrating 50 years of service, the Holy Father said, “For me it is a joy to celebrate with you today, as you mark the 50th anniversary of your priesthood: 50 years on the path of light and giving witness, 50 years of trying to be better, trying to bring light to the lampstand.

“Sometimes we fall, but we get up again, always with the desire to give light, generously, with a magnanimous heart, that is. Only God and your own memory know how many people you have received generously, with the kindness of fathers, of brothers . . .  How many people whose heart was a bit ‘dark’ have you given light, the light of Jesus. Thank you. Thank you for what you have done in the Church, for the Church and for Jesus.”

Finally, “May the Lord give you joy, this great joy, of having sown well, of having shown light well, and of having opened your arms to receive everyone with magnanimity.”