Pope: prayer works miracles, it is a key that opens God’s heart “which is never padlocked"

Greeting the Padre Pio Prayer Groups Francis says that prayer "is not a good practice for peace of  heart,  neither a pious way to obtain from God what we need. If it were so, it would be moved by a subtle selfishness: I pray to feel good, like taking an aspirin. No, it is not this. I pray to get this thing. That is just making a deal. Neither is it this. Prayer is something else. Prayer, is a work of spiritual mercy". " In a word, it means entrusting: entrust the Church, people, situations to the Father, so that He may care for them".

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Prayer "works miracles", it is "a key that opens God’s heart. A simple key, the heart of God is not shielded by many padlocks". Prayer was the focus of the Pope’s audience this morning in St Peter's Square with 60 thousand people belonging to the Padre Pio Prayer Groups, employees of the Hospice for the suffering and faithful of the Archdiocese of Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo , who came to Rome on the occasion of the translation of the body of St. Pio of Pietrelcina for the Jubilee of Mercy.

"We can really say - Francis told them - that Padre Pio was a servant of mercy. He practiced 'the apostolate of listening' full time,  sometimes to exhaustion. He became, through the ministry of Confession, a living embodiment of the Father's caress, that heals the wounds of sin and refreshes the heart with peace. Saint Pio was never tired of welcoming people and listening to them, spending time and emanating the scent of the Lord's forgiveness. He could do it because he was always attached to the source: continuously quenched by Jesus Crucified, and so became a channel of mercy. He carried so many people and so much suffering in his heart, combining all the love of Christ who gave himself "to the end" (Jn 13,1). He lived the great mystery of suffering offered out of love. In this way his small drop become a great river of mercy, which has irrigated many deserts in hearts and created an oasis of life in many parts of the world.

I think in prayer groups, that St. Pius termed "nurseries of faith, well springs of love"; not only of the community centers to meet with friends and find some comfort ', but of divine love. And these are the prayer groups. Prayer, in fact, is a real mission, which brings the fire of love to all humanity. Padre Pio said that prayer is "a force that moves the world"; prayer is a force that moves the world. But do we believe this? But it is so, just try and see. The Pope added - "it is spreading the smile and the blessing of God on every languor and weakness" (2nd International Conference of prayer groups, May 5, 1966).

"Prayer, then, is not a good practice for peace of  heart,  neither a pious way to obtain from God what we need. If it were so, it would be moved by a subtle selfishness: I pray to feel good, like taking an aspirin. No, it is not this. I pray to get this thing. That is just making a deal. Neither is it this. Prayer is something else. Prayer, is a work of spiritual mercy". "It is a gift of faith and love, intercession is needed as much as bread. In a word, it means entrusting: entrust the Church, people, situations to the Father, so that He may care for them. For this prayer, as Padre Pio he liked to say, is "the best weapon we have, a key that opens the heart of God." A key that opens the heart of God. It is a simple key, the heart of God is not shielded by so many padlocks. It is the greatest strength of the Church, that we must never leave, because the Church bears fruit if it's like Our Lady and the Apostles, who "persevered with one mind in prayer" (Acts 1:14) when waiting for the Holy Spirit. Otherwise there is the risk of seeking support elsewhere: on material means, money,  power; then evangelism vanishes and the joy leaves and the heart grows bored. Do you want to have a joyful heart? Pray, this is the recipe".

"While I thank you for your commitment, I encourage you, so that the prayer groups are the 'core of mercy': always open and active, that with the humble power of prayer providing the light of God to the world and the energy of 'love for the Church. Padre Pio, who called himself only "a poor friar who prays", wrote that prayer is "the highest apostolate that a soul can exercise in the Church of God" (Letters II, 70). Always be joyful apostles of prayer! Prayer does miracles, the apostolate of prayer works miracles! ".

"In addition to the work of spiritual mercy of prayer groups, Padre Pio wanted an extraordinary work of corporal mercy: the 'Home for the Relief of Suffering', inaugurated sixty years ago. He wished not only for an excellent hospital, but a "temple of science and prayer." Indeed, "human beings always need something more than technically proper care. They need humanity. They need heartfelt concern "(Benedict XVI, Enc. Deus Caritas Est, 31). This is so important: treat the disease, but most of all take care of the sick. They are two different things, both important, treat the disease and take care of the sick. It may happen that while you medicate the wounds of the body, wounds of the soul fester, which are slower and often more difficult to heal. Only proximity and prayer can help heal them. Even the dying, sometimes seemingly unconscious, participate in the prayer of faith close to them, and rely on God, His mercy ","they need help to trust in the Lord. " "I am so grateful to you and to those who serve the sick with competence, love and living faith. Let us ask for the grace to recognize the presence of Christ in the infirm and those who suffer; Padre Pio as he repeated, "the sick man is Jesus." The sick person is Jesus, he is the flesh of Christ.

"May all who visit your beautiful land - said Francis - and I want to go there, find the light of heaven! I thank you, and I ask you please not to forget to pray for me. "