In Beirut Christians and Muslims condemn the London attacks
by Youssef Hourany

Beirut (AsiaNews) – Lebanon unanimously condemns the attacks perpetrated in the city of London and deplores "the twisting of the teachings of Islam, [a religion] which rejects violence in all its forms".

In an official note, the Lebanese President, General Émile Lahoud, expressed the "solidarity of the Lebanese people with [those affected by] the tragedy that Great Britain is experiencing."

Lahoud's telegrams to British Prime Minister Tony Blair and Queen Elisabeth II state that "Lebanon, which was the victim of violence for many years, shares the sufferings of the British people."

Lahoud urged the international community to double its efforts to ensure global peace based on respect of peoples' right to a secure and safe life.

Mohammad Hussein Fadlallah, the spiritual guide of the Shiite community in the land of the cedar, told AsiaNews that "he condemned these attacks, which constitute crimes that no religion can accept".

"It is a form of barbarism that Islam wholly rejects irrespective of any attempt to label it Islamic," he added.

Outgoing Prime Minister Najib Mikati also condemned the terrorist attacks that struck civilians. He told AsiaNews: "We condemn in no uncertain terms the language of violence that some use to resolve conflicts. This criminal method has nothing in common with the teachings of religion which preach charity, peace and forgiveness."
Lawmaker Abbas Hachem said that these attacks are "a blind act of barbarity striking not only the British capital but the whole of humanity, trying to spread terror everywhere in the world".

"This environment of terror is absolutely contrary to our Arab values and the precepts of Islam and is rejected by every Arab and Muslim", said the Member of the Lebanese National Assembly for Kesrouan-Jbeil.

Hizbollah's Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah reacted similarly, condemning "every act that strikes civilians, which contradict the principles of humanity, ethics and religion".