Benedict XVI: "Holidays, a gift of God necessary to reinvigorate body and spirit"

Les Combes (AsiaNews) – By communicating with nature – a vehicle of 'self-awareness' – during the holidays, "man finds his right dimension once again, he rediscovers himself as a creature, small but at the same time unique, "'good for God' because he is open from within to the Infinite". These were the words of Benedict XVI from his villetta in Les Combes in Valle d'Aosta, where he has been since 11 July for some rest.

Introducing the Marian prayer, the Holy Father recalled once again "my much loved predecessor", John Paul II, who over 10 years, spent several short, tranquil, invigorating stays there. He described his summer break as "a truly providential gift of God" after the first phase of his pontificate, "a demanding pastoral service entrusted to me by divine Providence".

Here is the text of the Angelus in full:

I have been here for some days in the splendid mountains of Valle d'Aosta, where the memory of my much loved Predecessor John Paul II – who throughout the years spent several brief, relaxing and invigorating stays here – still lives. This summer break is a truly providential gift of God after the first months of demanding pastoral service which divine Providence entrusted to me. From my heart, I thank the Aosta Bishop, Mgr Gisueppe Anfossi, and those who made it possible, as well as those who with discretion and generous self-abnegation, see that all goes serenely. I am also grateful to the local population and tourists for their cordial welcome.

In the world in which we live, it has become almost a necessity to be able to reinvigorate body and spirit, especially for those who live in the city, where often frenetic living conditions leave little space for silence, reflection and tranquil contact with nature. Besides, holidays are days in which one can dedicate oneself to more time of prayer, reading and meditation about the important insights of life, in the serene context of family and dear ones. The time of holidays offers a unique opportunity to pause before nature's striking sights, a marvelous "book" within everyone's range, great and small. In contact with nature, man finds his right dimension once again; he rediscovers that he is a creature, small but at the same time "good for God" because within, he is open to the Infinite. Pushed by the need of the senses which urges the heart, he sees in the world around the imprint of good and of divine providence and he opens up to praise and prayer practically in a natural manner.

Let us now recite the Angelus together in this amenable alpine location, asking the Virgin Mary to teach us the secret of silence which leads to praise, of recollection which leads to meditation, and of love for nature which flourishes in thanksgiving to God. In this way, we can easily welcome the light of the Truth in our heart and practice it in freedom and in love.

After reciting the Angelus, Benedict XVI said:

"I would like to add a few words of thanks and greetings. I am thinking above all of the particular Church where I am, the ancient Diocese of Aosta: in these days, I often pray for the Bishop, who I thank once again, for the priests, religious and families. I assure all the community of Valle d'Aosta that I will remember them to the Lord, especially those who are sick and those who suffer.

With gratitude, I greet the Salesian priests, who welcome me in their home, the state and regional authorities and the communal administration of Introd.

Especially in my thoughts are the Sisters of the Congregation of St Joseph of Aosta, Pinerolo and Cuneo, as I express my appreciation for the mission they undertake and assure them of my prayer for the development of the works of their chapter.

The factory workmen of TECDIS and other industries of Valle d'Aosta are here today. I know of your current difficulties: you fear a future without conditions of work which render possible the foundation and continuity of families. Dear ones, in expressing my solidarity with you, I hope for a strong commitment from all those responsible in the search of a satisfactory solution to the current problems.

Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française. Je vous souhaite un vrai repos à l'occasion de ce temps de vacances, ainsi que le bonheur de contempler la beauté de la nature comme un don de Dieu. Que le Seigneur vous bénisse, ainsi que vos familles!

I greet the English-speaking visitors who join us for this Angelus. May the summer holidays be a time of rest and an opportunity to draw closer to the Lord in gratitude and prayer. Upon you and your families I cordially invoke God's blessings of joy and peace.

Herzlich grüße ich die deutschsprachigen Besucher hier im Aosta-Tal. Stille und Ruhe helfen uns, die Stimme Gottes zu vernehmen. Euch allen wünsche ich einen gesegneten Sonntag sowie Stärkung für Leib und Seele.

Saludo también a los fieles de lengua española que se han unido al rezo del Ángelus, también a través de la radio y la televisión. Invito a todos a cultivar sentimientos de reconciliación, para ser artífices de la paz. Feliz domingo.

I turn especially to you youths, who have come here for my first Angelus in the mountains. To all I wish a pleasant Sunday and a profitable holiday season.