Pope: Sowing joy and beauty "in a world with a somber and sad face" is an act of mercy

Francis thanks participants in the Jubilee for Circus and Travelling Show People "you are artisans of beauty" and "do not know the good you do”. He caresses a tiger cub.


Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Sowing joy and beauty "in a world with a somber and sad face" is an act of mercy. This is why Pope Francis repeatedly expressed his  "thanks" to the thousands of circus performers, fairground workers and street entertainers, received this morning in the Paul VI Hall for the Jubilee for Circus and Travelling Show People.

The audience was highlighted by the performance of acrobats, contortionists, clowns and a puppeteers who depicted, in their own way, the story of the martyrdom of Saint Janaurius. During the meeting Pope Francis even petted a nearly fully grown tiger cub. "You frightened the Pope," he commented later.

In his greeting Francis insisted that making people smile is "spreading goodness." "You - he told them - do great things: you are 'artisans' of celebration, of wonder, of beauty: with these qualities you have enriched the societies around the world, even with the ambition to feed feelings of hope and confidence. You do so through your performances that have the ability to elevate the soul, to show the boldness of particularly challenging exercises, to fascinate with the wonder of beauty and to offer opportunities for healthy entertainment. Celebration and joy are distinctive signs of your identity, your profession and your life, and in the Jubilee of Mercy this appointment could not have been missed. You have a special resource: with your constant moving about, you can bring the love of God, His embrace and His mercy to all. You can be an itinerant Christian community, witnesses of Christ who is always on the road to meet even the most distant among us".

"I congratulate you because, in this Holy Year, you have opened your shows to the most needy, the poor and the homeless, prisoners, disadvantaged children. This too is mercy: to sow beauty and joy in a world that is sometimes gloomy and sad. Thank you, thank you.

The traveling and popular show is the oldest form of entertainment. It is within the reach of all and for all, both small and great, especially for families. It diffuses the culture of encounter and sociability in entertainment. Your work space can become places of encounter and fellowship. So I encourage you to always be welcoming to the children and the needy; to offer words and gestures of consolation to those who are inward looking, remembering the words of St. Paul: "He who does the works of mercy, must do so with cheerfulness" (Rom 12,8). As St. John Paul II said, you can "give birth to a child's smile and brighten the desperate look of a single person for a moment, and, through shows and celebrations, bring people closer to each other" ( VI International Meeting of Pastoral Care of Circus and Carnival People, December 16, 1993: Insegnamenti XVI, 2 [1993], 1486). You can also scare the Pope making him caress that cub".

"I know that, because of the rhythms of your life and of your work, it is difficult for you to be part of a parish community on a regular basis. So I invite you to take care of your faith. Take every opportunity to draw close to the sacraments. Pass on to your children love for God and neighbor, the path of beauty. And I recommend to the particular Churches and parishes to be attentive to your needs and those of all the people on the move. As you know, the Church is concerned about the problems that accompany your traveling life, and wants to help eliminate prejudices which sometimes marginalize you.  May you always carry out your work with love and care, confident that God accompanies you with His providence, generous in works of charity, willing to provide the resources and the genius to your limbs and your professions. And you can not imagine the good that you do, the good that is sown. You do this, and thank you, thank you ".