Sydney (AsiaNews/CWN) Card George Pell has asked Mel Gibson to stage a re-enactment of the Crucifixion during the 2008 World Youth Day (WYD), which is likely to take place in Sydney, Australia.
The Sydney Morning Herald reports that the portrayal would begin with a staging of the 'Last Supper' at the famous Opera House, and conclude with the Crucifixion in the city's cathedral.
Gibson has not yet responded to the invitation, but Cardinal Pell said, "[h]e might well be attracted."
The Australian metropolis has not yet been announced as the site of the next WYD, but informed sources at the Vatican say that Cardinal Pell has been successful in making the case for holding the event in his city.
The formal announcement of the next WYD will be made by Pope Benedict XVI at the August 21 closing ceremonies for this year's observance, which is being held in Cologne, Germany.