Pope admits to having doubts but says they help to grow in faith

"They are a sign that we want to know God, Jesus, and the mystery of his love for us better and more deeply " but "doubts must also be overcome." Lack of education is a source of discrimination and thus of injustice . "The Church, over the centuries, has felt the need to engage in education because her mission of evangelization entails the commitment to restore dignity to the poor".


Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Even the Pope has doubts about the faith, "many ... of course, we all sometimes have doubts." But "doubts in matters of faith, in a positive sense, are a sign that we want to know God, Jesus, and the mystery of his love for us better and more deeply ", however, ”doubts must also be overcome."

Pope Francis spoke today about doubts in matters of faith at the general audience, dedicated, again, to the spiritual works of mercy, and in particular "two actions strongly linked to one another, counselling the doubtful, and teaching the ignorant."

Eight thousand people were present in the Paul VI Hall in the Vatican.  Francis, spoke of teaching and how a lack of education is a source of discrimination and injustice. He also recalled the Church's commitment to education.

"The reflection on the spiritual works of mercy - his words - now encompasses two actions strongly linked to one another, counselling the doubtful, and teaching the ignorant so they may know. The word ignorant is too strong, no? But it means those who do not know something, and who you have to teach. They are works that can be carried forward on a simple dimension, familiar to everyone, and - especially the second, that of teaching - on a more, organized institutional level. Take, for example, how many children still suffer from illiteracy: this is incomprehensible that in a world where the technical, scientific progress, has reached so far, there are illiterate children. This is incomprehensible. It is an injustice. How many children suffer from lack of education. It is a great condition of injustice that affects the very dignity of the person. The uneducated then easily becomes prey to exploitation and various forms of social unrest. "

"The Church, over the centuries, has felt the need to engage in education because her mission of evangelization entails the commitment to restore dignity to the poorest. The first example of a ''school” was founded right here in Rome by St. Justin, in the second century  so that Christians could know Sacred Scripture better, up to St. Joseph Calasanz, who opened the first free schools in Europe, we have a long list of saints who at various times brought education to the most disadvantaged, knowing that through this way they could overcome poverty and discrimination. How many Christians, lay people, consecrated brothers and sisters, priests who have given their lives in education, in the education of children and youth. This is great! I invite you to pay homage to them with a big round of applause! [Applause of the faithful] These educational pioneers had fully understood the work of mercy, and lived to transform society itself. Through a simple work and few structures they were able to restore dignity to so many people! And the education they gave was often oriented to work. Think of Don Bosco, Saint John Bosco. Just think of Don Bosco who with those street children, with the oratory and then with schools, offices, preparing them for jobs ... It is thus that many different professional schools have arisen, preparing for work while educating also to human and Christian values. Education, therefore, is really a peculiar form of evangelization. "

"The more people are educated the more they acquire those certainties and awareness, that we all need in life. A good education teaches us the critical method, which also includes some forms of doubt, useful to pose questions and verify the results achieved, with a view to greater knowledge. But the work of mercy to counsel the doubters does not regard this type of doubt. Being merciful to doubters means soothing the pain and the suffering that comes from fear and distress that are consequences of doubt. It is therefore an act of true love which extends support to a person in their moment of weakness caused by uncertainty. I think someone might ask me: 'Father, I have many doubts about faith, what should I do? Do you never have any doubts? '. Eh ..., I have so many, eh! I have so many ... Of course, we all sometimes have doubts! The doubts in matters of faith, in a positive sense, are a sign that we want to know to God, Jesus, and the mystery of his love for us better and closer. 'But I have this doubt ... I am searching, studying, looking or asking for advice, how can I ...'. These doubts are growing ... It good to question our faith, because this way we are led to a deeper level. Doubts, however, must also be overcome. This is why it is important to listen to the Word of God, and understand what the Bible teaches us. Catechesis is important and helps us in this, in which the proclamation of faith comes to meet us into the reality of personal and community life. And there, at the same time, another equally important aid is to live the faith as much as possible. We should not make the faith an abstract theory where doubts multiply. Rather we should make our life, faith. We must try to practice it in the service of others, especially the neediest. So many doubts vanish, because we feel the presence of God and the truth of the Gospel love that, without our merit, dwells in us, and we share with others. "

"As you can see, dear brothers and sisters, these two works of mercy are not far from our lives. Each of us can engage in living them to put the word of the Lord into practice when he says that the mystery of God is revealed not by the wise and intelligent, but the small (cf. Lk 10:21; Mt 11,25- 26). Therefore, the most profound teaching that we are called to transmit and the surest certainty out of doubt, is the love of God with which we have been loved (cf. 1 Jn 4:10). A great love, free and given forever. But, God never takes His love back, never! It goes on and on, it remains, is given for ever ... this love and we have the responsibility to bear witness to it offering mercy to our brothers and sisters".