Unisex bathrooms for the 2020 Tokyo Olympiad

The Tokyo metropolitan government wants to promote a spirit of inclusivity and diversity. Toilet compartments will accommodate two people, but not those on wheelchairs. LGBT organisations praise the decision.

Tokyo (AsiaNews) – In a spirit of inclusivity and diversity, Tokyo metropolitan government plans to install universal-use genderless toilet compartments in the future venues of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Planners want to build compartments for all genders that can accommodate two people, including people with disabilities other than those in wheelchairs. The latter would require an additional amount of space.

The concept was born out of consideration for those who need assistance from someone of another gender, as well as the needs of transgender people, who may experience difficulties in using single-gendered facilities.

Many LGBT organisations have praised the Tokyo metropolitan government for its initiatives.

At least one unisex toilet is planned to be installed in seven of the 11 venues being built, and large facilities.

Installation of the new-design unisex toilets in the other four locations is under consideration.