Washington mulls new sanctions for Russia, North Korea and Iran

The bill passed almost unanimously in the Lower House. It is now awaiting the Senate debate. It limits Trump's powers and strengthens relations with Russia. There is a stop for companies that work on gas pipelines from Russia. Clamp down on business deals with North Korea and Iran.

Washington (AsiaNews / Agencies) - The US House of Representatives yesterday approved a package of sanctions against Russia, Iran and North Korea. But in particular the bill wants to prevent President Donald Trump from imposing sanctions unilaterally in his role as president of the United States. The text demands that it is prerogative of the US administration to intervene with sanctions, including in relation to the alleged interference by Russian leader Vladimir Putin in the US presidential elections of 2016. Senior Administration Officials - and not Trump - would be charged with establishing the sanctions for alleged Russian interference.

Trump opposes this bill that has yet to pass the Senate's scrutiny before being sent to the president for signing or vetoing. He insists he did not receive any help from Moscow to win the presidential race. Indeed, he also emphasizes the importance of bilateral cooperation on issues such as terrorism and the war in Syria.

The package also includes new sanctions against funding for North Korean missile and nuclear programs. In particular, it prohibits "all vessels owned by the Government of North Korea owned or operated by any country that fails to comply with UN Security Council resolutions to operate in US waters or land at any US port". It also prohibits the entry into the US of goods produced in whole or in part by North Korean forced labor. The law authorizes sanctions on those who supply crude oil and derivatives to North Korea and asks the US administration to determine whether North Korea foments international terrorism.

The bill finally calls for sanctions for Iranian citizens or entities linked to missile programs in the country.

The bill passed the House of Representatives with 419 in favor and 3 against. Speaker Paul Ryan described it as a package of sanctions that " It tightens the screws on our most dangerous adversaries in order to keep Americans safe."

The United States already has a series of sanctions against individuals and Russian companies in the Crimea. But the new rules increase restrictions on those who do business with Russian companies, particularly in the energy sector. A measure addressed to European countries supporting Russian pipeline projects. They will bring new restrictions on oil and gas projects, affecting the Nord Stream 2 pipeline from Russia to Germany.

From a legislative point of view, the most delicate aspect concerns the White House for the measure that limits the President's traditional right to impose sanctions: Trump would first be forced to consult Congress. The president could veto the bill, but in this way would fuel the suspicion that he is somehow bound to the Kremlin. In addition, any presidential veto may be ignored if two thirds of the House and Senate vote to overcome the president's judgment.

The project has provoked rage in Moscow, but also in Europe because it risks penalizing European companies. From Paris to Berlin via Brussels, the US Congress initiative is not liked because it is unilateral. So far, the sanctions regime against Russia has been coordinated on both sides of the Atlantic. The Member States of the European Union will meet today in Brussels to address the issue. Several European countries, including Germany, are against it because the law would give the United States the ability to block companies working on gas pipelines from Russia by precluding them from American markets