A chapel of rest with his body will remain open all of today in Via Mosè Bianchi 94, Milan. Condolences are coming in from all over the world. Many priests are grateful to him for his work in support of the mission and vocations.
Milan (AsiaNews) – The chapel of rest with the body Fr Piero Gheddo, the missionary journalist who died two days ago, opened today in the Chapel of martyrs at the headquarters of the Pontifical Mission for Foreign Missions (PIME) on Via Mosè Bianchi 94, Milan (Italy).
The casket is surrounded by photos of the 19 martyrs of PIME. The Institute’s regional superior Fr Carlo Tinello said that people can pay tribute to Fr Gheddo all of today.
The funeral will be celebrated tomorrow, 23 December, at 10 am in the S. Anna Parish Church, in via Albani 56, Milan.
It was announced that Fr Gheddo donated his corneas. The operation was carried out at San Carlo Hospital, where the priest had been hospitalised due to bronchial pneumonia.
The PIME centre, Fr Gheddo’s secretary Sister Franca Nava and AsiaNews continue to receive hundreds of messages of condolences and affection from all over the world – Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe.
Everyone praises Fr Gheddo’s contribution to the world mission in his writings. Many priests express gratitude for the support they received in their vocation through his books and lectures.