Milan (AsiaNews) A new publishing house, Edizioni Terra Santa, opened in Milan on 4 October to mark the passing of St Francis. The objectives of the publishing house are to publish the magazines of the Custody of the Holy Land in Italy Eco di Terrasanta and Terrasanta and to set up an Internet portal to the holy sites and the Middle East. Cultural events will also be organized.
An ulterior motive is to highlight the "spiritual, historical and cultural patrimony contained in the Holy Land" which so far, "remains the prerogative of a few".
Special attention will be reserved for Jerusalem, "the holy city also for Jews and Muslims" and "the birthplace of a most important segment of mankind". The publishing house does not intend "to close its eyes to the political context and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict" and to their consequences on the "life of the Christian community and the Catholic Church".
A statement reads: "The closeness and the prayer of brethren in all continents and the stimulus to walk the road to peace also have an impact on the actions of governments and on changing peoples' mentality. In this way too, the development of Palestinian society and the renewal of the Israeli one may be encouraged, so that they may overcome prejudices and barriers and walk on the road of peace."