Pope in Panama: young people want a future free from the law of the strongest

In his first meeting in Panama, Francis said that the presence of so many young people who came to celebrate World Youth Day will make Panama a place of hope and commitment to a more humane world. Politicians should lead a “life consonant with the dignity and authority that they possess and that has been entrusted to them”.

Panama (AsiaNews) – Pope Francis made his first speech in Panama, in Panama City’s Bolívar Palace, before the country’s authorities, members of civil society groups and the diplomatic corps.

In his address, he noted that the presence of so many young people who came to celebrate the 34th World Youth Day will make the country a place of hope and commitment to build a more humane world, capable of overcoming the belief that the future is based on competitiveness, greed, speculation, and the law of the strongest.

The Holy Father, who arrived in late afternoon yesterday, began his visit to the country with a formal tête-à-tête with the Panamanian President, Juan Carlos Varela Rodríguez (pictured). The private talk between Francis and Mr Varela was preceded by greeting by both men from the balcony of the presidential palace. This was followed by a meeting with the president’s family and the exchange of gifts.

The Pope, accompanied by the President and his wife, travelled by car to the Bolívar Palace to meet with the authorities. Here, addressing the approximately 700 people present, Francis said, “I begin my pilgrimage in this historical precinct where Simón Bolívar, who stated that ‘if the world had to choose its capital, the Isthmus of Panama would be marked out for this great destiny’, convoked the leaders of his time to forge the dream of the unification of the Great Fatherland. A convocation that helps us realize that our peoples are able to create, to forge and, above all, to dream of a great fatherland that can include, respect and embrace the multicultural richness of each people and culture. Taking up this inspiration, we can look upon Panama as a land of convocation and of dreams.”

Describing Panama as “A bridge between oceans and a natural land of encounter,” and “the narrowest country of the entire American continent,” the pope called it “the symbol of the sustainability born of the ability to create bonds and alliances. This capacity shapes the heart of the Panamanian people.”

Addressing “all those who exercise roles of leadership in public life,” Francis urged them “to lead a life consonant with the dignity and authority that they possess and that has been entrusted to them. They call upon them to live in simplicity and transparency, with a clear sense of responsibility for others and for our world. To lead a life that demonstrates that public service is a synonym of honesty and justice, and opposed to all forms of corruption. Young people demand a commitment in which all – beginning with those of us who call ourselves Christians – have the audacity to build “an authentically human politics” (Gaudium et Spes, 73) that makes the person the centre and heart of everything. A politics that works to build a culture of greater transparency between governments, the private sector and the entire population”.

“Another world is possible! We know this and young people urge us to take our part in building it, so that our dreams do not remain ephemeral or ethereal, but can promote a social contract in which everyone has the chance to dream of a tomorrow. The right to the future is also a human right.

Today’s schedule includes a meeting with Central American bishops, and the Welcome ceremony and opening of WYD at Campo Santa Maria la Antigua – Cinta Costera at 5.30 pm local time (10.30 pm GMT).