Arunachal Pradesh, Indian Catholics pray for the victims of Sri Lanka (Photo)

April 28 was a special day of prayer for the victims of the Easter massacres.  The faithful gave life to processions, vigils and Eucharistic adorations.  Many Muslims and Hindus joined the Catholics.


Miao (AsiaNews) - Accepting the invitation of the Indian Catholic Church, which announced a special Day of Prayer for the victims of Sri Lanka for yesterday, the faithful of Arunachal Pradesh commemorated the massacres carried out at Easter with masses, prayers and processions.  The Miao Catholics spent the whole day in prayer: in the morning with Sunday Mass;  in the evening with Eucharistic adoration and a candel lit procession.

Yesterday, the day when the universal Church celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday, it was the first Sunday after the massacres that killed at least 253 people in three churches and three hotels in Colombo.  Msgr. George Pallipparambil, local bishop, said to those present: "The news of the chain explosions during Easter morning in Sri Lanka was too painful.  As a nation, Sri Lanka has already suffered too much violence in the past.  We assure our support in prayer to the Church of Sri Lanka.  May the Lord of peace who defeated death help the people of Sri Lanka with hope and peace ".

After the Eucharistic adoration, the young people of the diocese organized a gathering at the Namphai market, in the district of Changlang.  Then, together with many Muslim and Hindu friends for a total of over 200 people, they started a march.  The procession started from the grotto of the Sacred Heart and came to the government upper secondary school.

Other similar marches were held in Tezu, in the district of Lohit, and in Pongchao, in the district of Longding, in the eastern part of the state.  Nangtim Mossang, Miao's youth leader, says: "The news from Sri Lanka is really painful.  What was supposed to be a day of celebration is transformed into a day of mourning and sorrow for our brothers and sisters ”.  Tumen Wangrai, a catechist in the Changlang district, adds: "Sri Lanka is not alone in this moment of great pain.  His agony is also ours ".

(Photo credit: Felix Anthony)