Pope: St Joseph's silence counters "too noisy" world

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – In a world which is "too noisy, and does not encourage reflection and listening to the voice of God", Christians should "allow themselves to be 'infected' by the silence of St Joseph". In today's Angelus, Benedict XVI turned once again to the truest way of preparing for Christmas. Last week, he criticized the hyper consumerism linked to this feast and suggested the crib as a means of evangelization and faith education in families and in society. Today, he recommended silence, prayer and contemplation "to welcome and watch over Jesus in our life". In making this suggestion, he held up the figure of St Joseph, the putative father of Jesus. The pope recalled how John Paul II was very devoted to him and had dedicated the Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos, "Guardian of the Redeemer" to this saint. The figure of St Joseph is often the butt of irony among non-Christians; among Catholics, only his "legal" function is exalted – that of making Jesus 'son of David' – and that he provided financially for the Holy Family. Benedict XVI highlights another function, theological and human, of this saint: "It is no exaggeration to say that it was from his 'father' Joseph that Jesus acquired – on a human level – that robust interiority which presupposes authentic justice, the "superior justice" which one day He would teach his disciples".

The pope was just back from his first pastoral visit to a parish in Rome, Santa Maria Consolatrice in Casal Bertone, of which he was titular cardinal in the past (1977- 1993).

Here are the words of the pope before the Marian prayer

Dear brothers and sisters!

In these last days of Advent, the liturgy invites us to contemplate in a special way the Virgin Mary and St Joseph, who lived with unique intensity the time of waiting and preparation for the birth of Jesus. I would like today to turn my attention to the figure of St Joseph. In today's gospel pages, St Luke presents the Virgin Mary as "engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David" (Lk 1:27). However it is the evangelist Matthew who gives the greatest prominence to the putative father of Jesus, pointing out that, through him, the Child was legally inserted in David's line and thus he realized the Scriptures, in which the Messiah was prophesied as the "son of David". But Joseph's role certainly cannot be reduced to this aspect. He is the model of the "just" man (Mt 1:19), who in perfect sympathy with his spouse, welcomes the Son of God made man and guards over his human growth. For this reason, the days leading up to Christmas are as good a time as ever to establish a sort of spiritual conversation with St Joseph, because he helps us to live to the full this great mystery of faith.

The beloved Pope John Paul II, who was very devoted to St Joseph, left us an awesome meditation dedicated to him in the Apostolic Exhortation Redemptoris Custos, "Guardian of the Redeemer". Among the many aspects it highlights, particular emphasis is placed on the silence of St Joseph. His is a silence permeated by contemplation of the mystery of God, in an attitude of total availability to his divine wishes. In other words, the silence of St Joseph was not the sign of an inner void, but on the contrary, of the fullness of faith he carried in his heart, and which guided each and every one of his thoughts and actions.

A silence thanks to which Joseph, in unison with Mary, could be the guardian of the Word of God, known through the Sacred Scriptures, coming face to face with it continuously in the events of the life of Jesus; a silence interwoven with constant prayer, prayer of the blessing of the Lord, of adoration of his holy will and of unreserved trust in his providence. It is no exaggeration to say that it was from his 'father' Joseph that Jesus acquired – on the human level – that robust interiority which presupposes authentic justice, the "superior justice" which He would one day teach to his disciples (cfr Mt 5:20).

Let us allow ourselves to be "infected" by the silence of St Joseph! We have much need of it in a world which is often too noisy, which does not encourage reflection and listening to the voice of God. In this time of preparation for Christmas, let us cultivate interior meditation to welcome and watch over Jesus in our lives.