For the first time, Hubei - the epidemic epicenter - registers no new infections. However, there are doubts about the accuracy of the statistics. Worldwide, there are over 200 thousand infected; 8,810 deaths, an increase of over 800 in a single day.
Beijing (AsiaNews) - This morning the National Health Commission announced that for the first time in Hubei - the epidemic epicenter - has registered no new cases of coronavirus infection. The 34 cases registered today are all people from abroad. The 34 new cases are distributed as follows: 21 in Beijing; 9 in Guangdong; 2 in Shanghai; 1 in Heilongjiang; 1 in Zhejiang.
Yesterday, the death toll rose by eight, bringing the total to 3245. The total number of infected is 81.237; 70420 have recovered. The National Commission has released national epidemic data as of January 20.
Many people took to teh internet to question the accuracy of Chinese statistics. In recent days, when the Commission recorded zero cases in the provinces (excluding Hubei), the presence of new infections was actually known. In the past, statistics have created confusion because the body has often changed its criteria to calculate infections. Questions also emerge on the number of deaths: people who died, but had other underlying diseases, were not included among the coronaviruse death toll. Furthermore, at the beginning of the epidemic - at least in mid-November - the victims were only diagnosed as having died from "a generic infection".
In any case, despite the reduction of local infections to zero, Chinese experts still ask for caution.
In other parts of the world, the pandemic continues to claim many victims. More than 200,000 people have been infected with the virus, which has caused at least 8,810 deaths, an increase of over 800 in a single day.