Prayers can be inserted into the Divine Liturgy or recited at home. “God sent the virus that human civilisation may understand the limits of its own possibilities, and become aware of its own fragility.” “God is necessary for everyone”.
Moscow (AsiaNews) – As the coronavirus outbreak spreads in Russia, Moscow Patriarch Kirill (Gundyayev) yesterday approved prayers to be recited in churches and at home to help believers face the threat of the COVID-19 spreading.
After the liturgy in the Church of St Igor of Chernigov, the Patriarch told the faithful: “We must look at this situation through the prism of spiritual knowledge, and ask ourselves what this means, why the Lord allows this wound. From this arises the need to think not only about the wrath of God, as always in history, but more likely about His mercy.”
“God sent the virus that human civilisation may understand the limits of its own possibilities, and become aware of its own fragility; that we, without losing spiritual optimism, understand that God is necessary for everyone. These circumstances must further strengthen our faith, and ensure that those who doubt can become believers.”
Two prayers follow (translation by AsiaNews).
Prayer to the Burning Litany of the Divine Liturgy, to be inserted during the spread of evil flows
We still pray, Lord our God, that you may preserve us from the pernicious epidemic that is moving against us, and free your faithful from the death of body and soul. Give the sick healing and health, and to all of us grant your divine protection and intercession. We pray to you, O merciful Lord, respond with haste to our supplication and have mercy on us, in Your mercy. (Repeat three times: Lord, have mercy)
Again, we pray to you that man may find peace from angst and fear. Surround your faithful with firm hope, instil in our hearts the peace and quiet of the soul. We pray to you O’ Lord, listen to us and have mercy. (Repeat three times: Lord, have mercy)
Prayer to be read during the spread of malignant flows
Lord our God, do not judge your servants; protect us from the pernicious epidemic that is moving against us. Grant us, Your humble and unworthy servants, a chance to repent with ardent faith and contrition of hearts and convert to You, our merciful God and benefactors, we who prostrate to You and invoke Your grace. Since Yours is the Kingdom in which You, our God, will save us and fill us with Your love, we give glory to You, Father and Son and Holy Spirit, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen.