The Archbishop of Yangon demands that the CCP apologize to the whole world and pay for "the destruction caused by the destruction." The CCP "is a threat to the whole world". The text of the declaration published yesterday evening on the website of the diocese. "The truth will set you free."
Yangon (AsiaNews) - "The Chinese Communist Party [CCP] regime is morally culpable" for the coronavirus pandemic. "What it has done and what it has not done" has "destroyed lives all over the world" and "the Chinese people are the first victim" of the virus, just as they are “the first victim of this repressive regime".
This is the frank, direct and strong charge that the Archbishop of Yangon, Card. Charles Bomakes in a statement made public yesterday evening at 10.18 pm on the website of the diocese (see here). For the first time since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic, which originated in Wuhan (Hubei), an ecclesial personality has lashed out against the Chinese regime, holding it responsible for the human and economic toll the pandemic is causing worldwide.
By directly accusing "the all powerful XI [Jingping]” Card. Bo recalls how the authorities silenced doctors, journalists and intellectuals who raised the alarm already in December, waiting until January 23rd to isolate Wuhan and Hubei. Citing a study by the University of Southampton, he says that "if China had acted responsibly one, two or three weeks earlier, the number of people infected with the virus would have been 66%, 86% and 95% lower respectively. % ".
From the charges for provoking the pandemic and requests for "apologies and [for] compensation for the destruction caused", the cardinal examines the "criminal negligence and repression" of the Chinese communist regime, which stifles religious freedom, destroys thousands of churches, imprison Muslims in forced labor camps, practice the removal of organs from prisoners of conscience, suppresses the freedoms of lawyers, dissidents, intellectuals.
According to Card. Bo, the CCP "is a threat to the whole world".
His reflection began recalling the words of Pope Francis of March 27, when he said "we are all on the same boat" and he concluded “for the sake of our common humanity, we must not be afraid to hold this regime to account. Christians believe, in the words of the Apostle, Paul, that “the truth will set you free.” Truth and freedom and the twin pillars on which all of our nations must build surer and stronger foundations."