50,000 dead in Europe; almost 6 thousand in the US. China focuses on imported cases. Numbers remain low in Taiwan. Pyongyang: no case in our country. Nightly curfew imposed in Thailand. GDP growth in Asia-Pacific will slow down to 2.2%.
Hong Kong (AsiaNews / Agencies) – Global coronavirus infections passed the one-million-mark yesterday, with almost 53 thousand deaths. The growth in cases of infection is largely due to the spread of Covid-19 in Europe and the United States. In the Old Continent there are 50,000 dead; almost 6 thousand in the US.
China reported 31 new cases today, 29 of which imported from overseas. The National Health Commission states that as of today there are 81620 are infected, including 60 new asymptomatic patients and 3322 deaths. The numbers in Taiwan remain contained: 339 infected and 5 dead. Hong Kong reports about 800 cases and 4 deaths.
Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has not yet declared a state of emergency in the country. Japan has 2384 cases of contagion; 57 people have died. The cases of infection are stabilizing in South Korea, where the infected are more than 10,000; 174 the dead. Amidst foreign experts' skepticism, North Korea insists that the country is free from contagion.
India, which will remain in quarantine at least until mid-April, has more than 2,500 infected; the number of deaths has risen to 72.
The Thai government has imposed a nighttime curfew across the country. Thailand has 1978 infected and 19 dead.
Singapore has more than 1000 infected, but only 5 dead. Malaysia, has passed 3,000 infected (50 dead). In Indonesia the number of infected patients reached 1790, with 170 deaths. In the Philippines there are over 2600 cases and 107 deaths.
Due to lung infection, the Asian Development Bank calculates that economic growth in the Asia-Pacific region - excluding Japan, Australia and New Zealand - will slow down to 2.2% this year (in 2019 it was 5.2%). Chinese GDP growth will drop from 6.1 to 2.3%; India’s from 5 to 4%.