COVID-19: anti-viral drug remdesivir effective on monkeys and people

The scientific community has not fully vetted trial results, but they offer good prospects in treating coronavirus patients.

Washington (AsiaNews/Agencies) – The anti-viral drug remdesivir has proven effective in treating monkeys and people with COVID-19. Trial results have not yet been fully vetted by the scientific community, but they present good prospects for coronavirus patients.

In a US study published yesterday by the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, two groups of six macaques were infected with the SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. One was treated with the antiviral drug remdesivir; the other was not. After a week, only one of the treated macaques had slight breathing difficulties; the other group, untreated, had severe breathing difficulties.

Another study, published on Thursday in the online medical journal Stat, shows that the most severe COVID-19 patients in a Chicago hospital, when treated with remdesivir, were able to go home in few days, and only two patients died. Official results from the trial are not expected until later this month, with further data to come in May

In a statement released yesterday, Gilead, the company behind remdesivir, made it clear that it is still too early to consider the anti-viral drug a game changer. Nevertheless, thanks to the leaked information its stocks surged by 10 per cent yesterday.