The Lord “knows our heart better than we do ourselves. Let's take advantage of the present moment! Yes, this is the Christian sense of 'carpe diem'. Do not enjoy life in the fleeting moment, no, this is the worldly meaning. But grasp today to say 'no' to evil and 'yes' to God; open up to His Grace; finally stop withdrawing into ourselves, dragging ourselves into hypocrisy ".
Vatican City (AsiaNews) - "Perhaps we can deceive men, but not God", with Him "it is of no use trying to be clever with Him,” taking advantage of the patience with which He awaits our conversion, saying '' no '' to evil, our request for forgiveness and our commitment to remedy the evil done.
The thought of the Immaculate Conception - which is being celebrated today - prompted Pope Francis to speak, at the Angelus, about freedom from sin, that "Mary began to experience this grace in her mother’s womb; we cherish the lively hope of enjoying it in Heaven”.
"Today's liturgical feast - he said - celebrates one of the wonders of the history of salvation: The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. She too was saved by Christ, but in an extraordinary way, because God wanted that from the moment of conception the mother of his Son was not touched by the misery of sin. And therefore Mary, throughout her earthly life, was free from any stain of sin, she was "full of grace" (Lk 1:28) as the angel called her, and she enjoyed a singular action of the Holy Spirit, in order to always be able to maintain her perfect relationship with her son Jesus”.
"As was in the beginning for Mary, will be for us in the end, after having passed through the purifying 'bath' of Christ's grace. What opens the door to Heaven is God's grace”. “All the saints have walked this path. Even the most innocent were still marked by original sin and fought with all their might against its consequences. They passed through the "narrow door" that leads to life (cf. Lk 13:24). And do you know who is the first one we are sure of who entered heaven? A 'little good man': one of the two who were crucified with Jesus. He turned to him saying: "Jesus, remember me when you enter your kingdom". And He replied: "Today you will be with me in paradise" (Lk 23,42-43) ".
“God's grace is offered to all; and many who are last on this earth will be first in heaven (cf. Mk 10:31). Be careful though. There is no point in trying to be clever: continually postponing a serious examination of one's life, taking advantage of the Lord's patience. He is patient, but perhaps we can deceive men, but not God, He knows our heart better than we do. Let's take advantage of the present moment! Yes, this is the Christian sense of 'carpe diem'. Do not enjoy life in the fleeting moment, no, this is the worldly meaning. But grasp today to say 'no' to evil and 'yes' to God; open up to his Grace; finally stop closing in ourselves, dragging ourselves into hypocrisy. To face one's reality, to recognize that we have not loved God and neighbour as we should. And to confess it, to begin a journey of conversion by first asking God for forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and then to repair the evil done to others. But always open to grace. The Lord knocks on our door”. This, for us, is the way to become ‘Holy and immaculate'. The uncontaminated beauty of our Mother - he concluded - is inimitable, but at the same time it attracts us. Let us entrust ourselves to her, and say once and for all 'no' to sin and 'yes' to Grace ".
After the Angelus, Pope Francis said that this afternoon he will not go to the Spanish Steps for the traditional homage to the Immaculate Conception, to avoid crowds. But, he added, "I went there this morning privately". The impossibility of celebrating, however, does not prevent us from offering Mary the flowers she prefers: "prayer, penance, a heart open to grace".