Christmas amid Covid for the Jelki family in Alibaug
by Nirmala Carvalho

"This year Fr Pascal gave us cereals and other necessities to celebrate Christmas and we are happy to be able to celebrate it even during this pandemic." "We have received these gifts for free, from the church of Mary of Nazareth, and we will freely share them with our neighbours".

Mumbai (AsiaNews) - A Catholic family from the "Church of Mary of Nazareth", district of Alibaug Raighad, spoke to AsiaNews about their Christmas plans and their gratitude to Fr Pascal Sinor for his help.

17 years old Daisy Patrick Jelki, shared the recent difficulties experienced by her family. "We are a family of six (pictured): my parents, my younger sister Lavina (14) and my two bachelor uncles. My mother Angelian (44) is a Church employee and was the only member of our family that has earned during the lockdown. My father Patrick Jelki and my uncles work in private companies and have not received any wages".

“We faced many difficulties during the lockdown: with only one member earning we had serious problems, including our studies: my younger sister who studies in class IX has a study grant, but we had to buy school books and uniforms etc.. Only the school fees were waived, we paid everything else, and all this only with the salary the church paid to the mother. I am in pre-university XII, I had to pay the full enrolment fee. Studying online was also a huge difficulty, we only have one smart phone in the family, so my sister and I shared the smart phone for online lessons”.

“Christmas is a sign of hope for us, Jesus has come and will return to meet us at Christmas. All around us, people are facing problems, the pandemic has caused suffering for everyone. But we believe and know that Jesus, who was God, was born as a child, in a stable”.

“Raighad is a missionary district; we have many stables, so we understand the poverty that Jesus was born into very well. At home, we faced helplessness and vulnerability, and Jesus also experienced the same thing, Mary and Joseph could not find a room for the birth of Jesus. This pandemic has helped me and my family understand the vulnerability of the birth of the King of kings. In our hearts, we know that Jesus understands our difficulties and the situation we are facing in this pandemic”.

“So, through the Church and our pastor Father Pascal Sinor, Jesus is providing for us, Jesus has never abandoned us and continues to help us. This year Fr. Pascal gave us cereals and other things necessary to celebrate Christmas and we are happy to be able to celebrate it also during this Covid-19 pandemic which has brought roblems worldwide ... In a simple but devoted way we will celebrate the birthday of our Jesus Christ and we will share our joy with neighbours and poor families by giving them sweets and good wishes. We have received, from the church of Mary of Nazareth, for free and we will share with our neighbours. Jesus came to give joy, and they too can experience the joy of Christmas”.

In the photo: 1. Daisy Patrick - 17 years old; 2. Lavina Patrick - 14 years old (younger sister); 3. Angelina Patrick - 44 years old (mother); 4. Lawrence Patrick - 50 years old (father); 5. Angel Lawrence - 36 years old (uncle); 6 John Lawrence - 38 years old (uncle).