The National Bioethics Committee discovered that a junior researcher was forced to provide written consent for the provision of her eggs in his presence. State auditors have also investigated his research fund, more than 45 million US dollars.
Seoul (AsiaNews/Agencies) - At least one junior researcher working for South Korea's disgraced cloning expert Hwang Woo-suk was forced to give her own ova in breach of internationally accepted research ethics, a state bioethics committee said yesterday.
The National Bioethics Committee said after an investigation into Professor Hwang's ethical breaches that he had handed out letters of consent for egg donation to his researchers.
Professor Hwang has admitted receiving eggs from junior researchers on his team, but insisted the donations were made freely and without his knowledge.
However, the committee said it discovered that a junior researcher was forced to provide written consent for the provision of her eggs in his presence.
Professor Hwang, 52, was lionised as a national hero after he stunned medical experts last year when he claimed he had created 11 patient-specific stem cell lines.
But he has been in disgrace since a scientific panel found last month the scientist had created no stem cells of any kind and that his research data was fabricated.
State auditors have also separately investigated his research fund. Professor Hwang and his team have received more than US million in state funding and civilian donations since 1998.