Pope says deacons are sentinels who help the community to see Jesus in the poor

Meeting the permanent deacons of Rome, Francis defines their mission and mandate. Not "half priests", nor "luxury altar boys", but people dedicated "to the service" of the people of God, "open" and "docile", but humble, "good spouses and good fathers and even good grandparents".

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - Deacons are not "half priests", nor "luxury altar boys", but people dedicated "to the service" of the people of God, they are "available" and "docile", open, but humble, they are “Good spouses and good fathers and also good grandparents” and “sentinels” who help the Christian community “to see Jesus in the poor and distant, as he knocks on our doors through them”.

These were Pope Francis’ words during a meeting with the deacons of Rome this morning together with their families (in the photo).

Francis spoke of the "ministry of the deacon" starting from Lumen gentium, for which "hands are laid upon you not for the priesthood but for service" (n. 29). “This difference is not insignificant. The diaconate, which in the previous conception was reduced to an order of passage towards the priesthood, thus regains its place and its specificity. The mere fact of emphasizing this difference helps to overcome the scourge of clericalism, which places a caste of priests 'above' the People of God ".

Following the conciliar indications, it can be said that the diaconate "thus leads us to the centre of the mystery of the Church. As I spoke of the 'constitutively missionary Church' and the 'constitutively synodal Church', so I say that we should speak of the 'constitutively diaconal Church'. If this dimension of service is not lived, in fact, every ministry empties itself from within, it becomes sterile, but does not produce fruit. And little by little it becomes worldly”.

“Deacons, precisely because they are dedicated to the service of this People, remember that in the ecclesial body no one can rise above others. The opposite logic must apply in the Church, the logic of abasement. We are all called to lower ourselves, because Jesus lowered himself, he made himself the servant of all. If there is a great one in the Church it is he, who made himself the smallest and the servant of all. It all starts here”.

“In short, one could summarise diaconal spirituality in a few words, that is, the spirituality of service: willingness on the inside and openness on the outside. Willingness on the inside, from the heart, ready to say yes, docile, without making life revolve around one’s own agenda; and open on the outside, looking at everyone, especially those who are left out, those who feel excluded. Yesterday I read a passage from Don Orione, who spoke about welcoming those in need, and he said: “In our houses” - he was speaking to the religious of his congregation - “in our houses everyone who has a need, any kind of need, anything, even those who have pain, must be welcomed”. And I like that. To receive not only the needy, but those who have pain. Helping these people is important. I entrust this to you. Regarding what I expect from the deacons of Rome, I would like to add three more brief ideas - but do not be afraid: I am coming to the end - which are not so much “things to do”, but rather dimensions to cultivate. Firstly, I expect you to be humble. It is sad to see a bishop and a priest showing off, but it is even sadder to see a deacon wanting to put himself at the centre of the world, or at the centre of the liturgy, or at the centre of the Church. Be humble. Let all the good you do be a secret between you and God. And so it will bear fruit.”

“Secondly, I expect you to be good spouses and good fathers. And good grandparents. This will give hope and consolation to couples who are going through difficult times and who will find in your genuine simplicity an outstretched hand. They will be able to think: "Look at our deacon! He is happy to be with the poor, but also with the parish priest and even with his children and his wife!” Even with his mother-in-law, that’s very important! Doing everything with joy, without complaining: it is a testimony that is worth more than many sermons. And out with the complaints. Without complaining. "I had so much work, so much…". Nothing. Send these things away. Away. The smile, the family, open to the family, generosity….”

“Finally, thirdly, I expect you to be sentinels: not only to know how to spot the poor and the distant - this is not so difficult - but to help the Christian community to recognise Jesus in the poor and the distant, as He knocks on our doors through them. It is also a catechetical and prophetic dimension of the sentinel-prophet-catechist who knows how to see beyond and help others to see beyond, and to see the poor who are far away. You can make your own the beautiful image at the end of the Gospels when Jesus asks His disciples from afar: “Have you nothing to eat?” And the beloved disciple recognises Him and says: “It is the Lord!” (Jn 21:5,7). Whatever the need, see the Lord. So you, too, recognise the Lord when, in so many of his smaller brothers and sisters, He asks to be fed, to be welcomed and loved. I would like this to be the profile of the deacons of Rome and of the whole world. Work on this. You have generosity, and go forward with this.”