Pope hopes the pandemic might lead Catholics and Orthodox towards full unity

Francis met with a delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Rome for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. He asked, “could we not begin a new phase of relations between our Churches, marked by walking more closely together, by desiring to take real steps forward, by becoming more willing to be truly responsible for one another?”

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – Pope Francis met with a delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople for the now traditional visit to Rome on the occasion of the feast day of Saints Peter and Paul.

The pontiff used the occasion to suggest restarting the dialogue between the sister Churches with full communion as the final goal. In his address to Metropolitan Emmanuel (pictured), who came in lieu of Patriarch Bartholomew who was unable to travel, Francis focused on the idea that crises are also opportunities.

“This year,” the pontiff said, “we will celebrate Saints Peter and Paul in a world still struggling to emerge from the dramatic crisis caused by the pandemic. This scourge has tested everyone and everything. Only one thing is more serious than this crisis, and that is the risk that we will squander it, and not learn the lesson it teaches. It is a lesson in humility, showing us that it is not possible to live healthy lives in an unhealthy world, or to go on as we were, without recognizing what went wrong.

“Even now, the great desire to return to normality can mask the senseless notion that we can go back to relying on false securities, habits and projects that aim exclusively at pursuing wealth and personal interests, while failing to respond to global injustice, the cry of the poor and the precarious health of our planet.

“What does all this have to say to us as Christians? We too are called to reflect seriously on whether we want to go back to doing what we did before, as if nothing happened, or instead to take up the challenge of this crisis.”

“For us Christians on the path to full communion, taking seriously the current crisis means asking ourselves how we wish to move forward. Every crisis represents a crossroads: we can withdraw into ourselves, seeking our own security and expediency, or we can be open to others, which entails risks but also God’s promised fruits of grace.

“Dear brothers, has not the time come for giving further impetus to our efforts, with the help of the Spirit, to break down ancient prejudices and definitively overcome harmful rivalries? Without ignoring the differences that need to be resolved through charitable and truthful dialogue, could we not begin a new phase of relations between our Churches, marked by walking more closely together, by desiring to take real steps forward, by becoming more willing to be truly responsible for one another?  If we are docile to love, to the Holy Spirit who is the creative love of God and who brings harmony to diversity, he will open the way to a renewed fraternity.

“The witness of growing communion between us Christians will also be a sign of hope for many men and women, who will feel encouraged to promote a more universal fraternity and a reconciliation capable of healing past wrongs. This is the only way to the dawn of a future of peace. A fine prophetic sign would be closer cooperation between Orthodox and Catholics in the dialogue with other religious traditions, an area in which I know you, dear Eminence Emmanuel, are very much involved.”

The Orthodox delegation is in Rome as part of the traditional exchange of delegations for the feasts of their respective patron saints: 29 June in Rome for the celebration of Saints Peter and Paul and 30 November in Istanbul for the celebration of Saint Andrew.

Following the meeting with Francis, the Orthodox delegation – led by Metropolitan Emmanuel of Chalcedon, accompanied by Bishop Iosif, the Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Buenos Aires, and Deacon Barnabas Grigoriadis – met with the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

Tomorrow, the delegation will attend the Mass presided by Francis.