Indian Sisters for the Season of Creation
by Nirmala Carvalho

The Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod join the Laudato Sì movement. Starting tomorrow, they will undertake an initiative to mark the social encyclical Pope Francis issued six years ago.

Mumbai (AsiaNews) – The Church will celebrate the “Season of Creation” from 1 September to 4 October, feast day of Saint Francis, at the urging of Pope Francis.

To this end, the Congregation of the Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod decided to take up this challenge in India, holding a special event in communion with Christians from all continents.

Following the Pope, they reckon it is a time “to renew our faith in the God of creation and unite in prayer in the commitment to take care of our shared home.”

The Sisters of the Cross of Chavanod, Prithvi Parivar, and the Environmental Commission of Catholic Bishops' Conference of India (CBCI) are part of the Laudato Sì Movement, which promotes in parishes and religious communities the principles ​​of the social encyclical issued six years ago by Pope Francis.

“Covid-19 has taught us many things in the midst of pain for those we have lost,” said Sister Prema Chowallur.

“Varieties of viruses and bacteria are emerging and taking on new forms with climate change. While our forebears gave us a healthy environment, what are we giving our children?” she noted.

“The Sisters feel that it is their duty and responsibility today to make a difference with a lifestyle that can heal the earth.” Meanwhile, “They regret the damage done to creation by ignorance or an unsustainable lifestyle.”

For her, ultimately “We are called to decide. Every Christian is tasked with listening to the cry of the earth and the poor and must take a step forward for the sake of everyone.”