This was announced by a spokesperson for Unicef. In July, the North Koreans had also rejected nearly 2 million doses of AstraZeneca and proposals for collaboration from the South.
Seoul (AsiaNews/Agencies) - North Korea has rejected nearly three million doses of Sinovac vaccine. This was reported by a spokesman for Unicef, adding that the country has asked that the Chinese vaccines be donated to nations that cannot get them. The Sinovac doses had been offered as part of the Covax program, which aims to help poorer nations secure vaccines. Pyongyang had turned down nearly two million doses of AstraZenca in July, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said the Sputnik vaccine has also been offered to the North Korean regime on multiple occasions.
According to the World Health Organization's latest report, as of August 19, North Korea had not yet declared any cases of Covid-19. In January 2020, the country was among the first to close its borders and impose strict travel restrictions.
According to some observers, Pyongyang is not accepting vaccines because it is unprepared. The regime has also rejected all proposals for cooperation from South Korea to develop a joint response against the pandemic.
Recently, it appears that the regime has reactivated its nuclear reactor in Yongbyon, according to a report from the International Atomic Energy Agency. Unicef also reported that the United Nations is working to address North Korea's health and food shortages, calling on the international community to increase aid.