A ‘rosary pilgrimage’ from Matara to Madhu
by Melani Manel Perera

The Catholic Bishops' Conference of Sri Lanka announced a special Marian prayer for October to save the country from COVID-19 and other sufferings.


Colombo (AsiaNews) – In the month the Church dedicates to the rosary, Sri Lanka’s Catholic bishops urge the faithful to undertake a special “rosary pilgrimage” to ask Our Lady for an end to the pandemic around the world and lessen the many sufferings that afflict the country.

The initiative will start tomorrow from the shrine of Our Lady in Matara, in the south of the country, and will end on 30 October at the national shrine of Our Lady of Madhu, in the northern province.

The pilgrimage will touch several Marian churches in the country, but the bishops urge Sri Lankan Catholics, at home and abroad, to follow it via Verbum TV, Radio Seth, online platforms and personal prayer.

“The rosary unites us as one family,” said Mgr Anton Ranjith, Auxiliary Bishop of Colombo. “Pray every evening between 7 and 8 pm wherever you are.”

“We all should attend this Rosary offering every day,” said Sarath Adhikari, from the Diocese of Colombo, speaking to AsiaNews. In doings so, everyone should keep in mind “the troubles Christians have to face from racist Buddhist monks as well as the security forces.”

For Sriyanthi Perera, head of the St Peter and Paul Boys' Home in the Diocese of Chilaw, “the intercession of Our Lady is an important step. In order to take care of children who lost their parents, I really need the help of Our Lady. Many times, I have experienced her kindness.”