Papal encyclical "a powerful message of love"
by Qaiser Felix

The Pakistani Church is "full of gratitude" for the letter Deus Caritas Est. "Our church is small and often harassed and persecuted," said the Karachi Archbishop. "The pope invites us to progress along the path of charity, a powerful witness of the love of Christ."

Karachi (AsiaNews) – The encyclical Deus Caritas Est is "a powerful message for our people as they live their lives in mutual love and concern for one another in their families and smaller communities."

This was the view of Mgr Evarist Pinto, archbishop of Karachi, about the first encyclical of Benedict XVI. "We are thankful for the first and long-awaited Encyclical of His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est. The Encyclical is surely a source of encouragement for all who belong to the Church, the first community based on love," said the archbishop.

"It is an invitation to open ourselves especially to charitable works, and it is also an encouragement to do our utmost to respect the commandment 'Love one another'."

Mgr Pinto added: "The Pakistani Church is small and often harassed and persecuted. But all the same, it is active in works of charity not only towards Christians but towards all people irrespective of caste or creed.  The pope makes us reflect on how our charity should always be an attempt to reflect the love and compassion of Christ and how it is, at the same time, a powerful witness."