The three, who come from different dioceses in the country, were ordained by Cardinal Patrick D’Rozario. Today 31 OMI missionaries carry out their ministry in Bangladesh. “More priests allow us to be present in new areas where we can proclaim the Gospel,” said Fr Sagar.
Dhaka (AsiaNews) – The Catholic Church of Bangladesh has three new priests, from the Congregation of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI).
The ordination took place yesterday at the Church of the Blessed de Mazenod in Nayanagar, a district in Dhaka. Cardinal Patrick D’Rozario led the service together with the bishop Gervas Rozario of Rajshai
The three new priests are Fr Sujon John Kisku from the Diocese of Rajshahi, Fr Jonastine John Panthra from the Diocese of Mymensingh, and Fr Herat Thanda Mondal from the Diocese of Khulna.
Fr Herat spoke to AsiaNews about his vocation. “I saw the dedication of local priests and how they transform other people’s lives,” and this, he said, “made me want to be a priest too and now my heart is full of gratitude.”
Fr Herat hails from the parish of Bhabarpara and completed his studies in the United States. He will be sent to the parish of Alikadam in the Diocese of Chittagong.
After “My older brother plunged in a pond and died, my parents dedicated me to God,” Fr Herat explained. “They encouraged me to be a priest. I want to be a living Gospel to bear witness of the faith to others.”
Congratulating the new priests, Cardinal D’Rozario thanked their parents for giving them to the Church. “Young priests are making our Church more active and fresher,” he said. “I ask everyone to pray for them.”
Today 31 priests of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate carry out their ministry in Bangladesh. Three others serve communities in South Korea and Italy as missionaries.
“We work in the tribal areas providing spiritual assistance,” said Fr Sagar Rozario, “as well as contribute to [local] social and economic development. More priests allow us to be present in new areas where we can proclaim the Gospel.”