A new guide to Russian Orthodox culture
by Vladimir Rozanskij

It aims to "broaden the horizons of pupils and the formation of honest, worthy and orderly citizens and patriots." A tool for Putin patriotism. A rereading of history through the prism of  "truth and values".A new book by Patriarch Kirill also presented.





Moscow (AsiaNews) - The publishing house ProsvešÄ¨enie ("The Enlightenment") has published a "new generation" manual, designed for elementary schools, entitled "Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture." It was edited by the minister and president of the Russian Academy of Education, Olga Vasileva.

The new school textbook for religion was presented in a large online conference for the entire teaching staff of the country, dedicated to the religious traditions of the people, the system of moral values and education.

Vasileva said that she "had a great honor in being the scientific editor of this manual, which will allow the broadening of pupils' horizons and the formation of honest, worthy and orderly citizens and patriots, who love their homeland, nation and region, ready to serve it and care for the elderly and the youngest, always seeking truth, creativity and industriousness."

The main features of the text are the intrinsic links between all school subjects, the Russian language, literature, the study of the environment, art, music and technology, but above all history, the rereading of which is considered the main necessity not only for schools, but for the life of all citizens of Russia today.

Also speaking at the presentation was the chairman of the Synodal Department for Religious Education of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan of Yekaterinburg Evgenij (Kulberg). He emphasized that "we did not want to simply create a manual, but an ecosystem in which the pedagogue, regardless of his place of residence, would have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers, along with colleagues involved by the topics of the text, having in his hand a ductile and effective tool for preparing lessons."

This is not the first textbook of its kind to be published in Russia, but this version is getting a lot of traction because of its claim to offer school audiences "not only facts, but also truths and values," as Viktoria Kopylova, vice president of the publishing house, put it. She recounts how "we have worked in a great synergy between teachers, methodologists and researchers, involving also the parents of the students, to whom we have explained the reasons why it is important to insist on religious culture... our children must feel within themselves the bases and points of reference, no less than adults".

Included in the manual are the main points of the Orthodox catechism, the commandments, Easter, the Slavic-ecclesiastical liturgical language, prayers, and also the great spiritual ideals of "Charity as the summit of virtues", "Asceticism" and many others. Attached to each chapter are various didactic projects aimed at religious and moral education, development of intellectual faculties and creative thinking of pupils.

Before its publication, the manual was tested in some regions, starting with Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in Siberia and the Ural region, thus receiving ministerial approval and permission to use it, and from the next school year it will be in force in all schools of the country.

The presentation of the manual was also an opportunity to announce the release of the new book written by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow (Gundjaev) on the occasion of Easter, entitled "Overcoming Death!", published by Patriarchal Editions. In it he exhorts to "enter eternal life with the Lord Jesus Christ, who has truly defeated death, through the difficult path of spiritual combat."