Christian woman denied funeral in Chattisgarh
by Nirmala Carvalho

A mob instigated by Bajrang Dal extremists block a funeral procession. Police had to intervene to allow the family to bury their loved one on their own private land.

Raipur (AsiaNews) – Even burying the dead has become a pretext for Hindu fundamentalists to discriminate against Christians in India.

The latest case involves a Christian woman in the state of Chattisgarh; under pressure from members of a nationalist group, she was denied a public funeral.

Mate Bekko died on Sunday in Bhejripadar, a village within the jurisdiction of Parpa police station.

When her family led the traditional funeral procession, they were stopped by members of the Bajrang Dal, a right-wing Hindu group, and villagers protesting against the service.

After arriving on the scene, police tried to talk it over with both sides without success.

The next day the family tried again to hold the funeral, but again faced protesters, who forced them to leave the body on the road.

Later, in a tense situation, the police called the family and arranged for the burial to take place on the family’s private land behind their home.

In a statement, the police acknowledged that the situation was back to normal, but added that “Stringent legal action will be initiated against those trying to disturb the law and order situation.”