Faisalabad: 10 years of Lenten Bible reading for thousands of believers
by Shafique Khokhar

The initiative was launched by Holy Rosary Parish in Warispura. About 3,000 people participated. Bishop Msgr. Inderias Rehmat: "When we devote time to it, sacred scripture blesses us in different ways."

Faisalabad (AsiaNews) - For 10 years Holy Rosary Parish in Warispura has held Bible reading sessions during the Lenten season. Once again this year, the local St. Jerome Bible study group began with the book of Genesis on Ash Wednesday and concluded yesterday, after 43 days, with the reading of the last chapters of Revelation.

The initiative was attended by bishops, priests, sisters, catechists, teachers, students and activists totaling about 3,000 people. Bishop Inderias Rehmat of the Diocese of Faisalabad also took part in the event last night.

"I am very grateful to the bishop for supporting us in every step we have taken in our parish," said Fr. Pascal Paulus, pastor of Holy Rosary Church. "We involved many churches in the city so that people from different denominations could read the Bible together for His glory and happiness. Lent teaches us about prayer, charity, unity and love for each other, and all these teachings come from reading the Holy Bible."

Interviewed by AsiaNews, Abrar Sahotra, who heads St. Jerome's Bible study group, said, "In our group we read the Bible for three days a week, but 10 years ago we took this initiative by also starting a Facebook page called 'The Bible is Life,'" where people can follow the live streams of the readings during Lent.

"Even people who are sick and cannot come to church have participated in this Bible study by watching from home. We made announcements at church and door-to-door visits in our community so that more and more people could participate and receive blessings."

Sahota emphasizes how the congregants received great benefits, "They learned many new things and say they feel more peaceful. This is our mission, to bring more people to church and to build peace among different communities through Bible study."

"We believe in unity," the priest continued. "And we will continue to organize these events to bring people closer to peace. I am very grateful to the St. Jerome Bible study group and all those who helped the church and read the Bible during Lent." 

Addressing the participants, Msgr. Rehmat said, "First of all I congratulate you for completing the Bible reading during Lent, this is undoubtedly a great initiative of this parish. It is very good to tell you that other parishes in Faisalabad and other dioceses are following you and reading the Bible in Lent. The Bible is very vast and contains so many messages for humanity; every time we read the Bible we learn new things that help us lead our lives in a peaceful way. When we devote time to the holy book, it blesses us in different ways, enlightens our inner soul and brings peace to our lives."