Eighty years after the Rome bombing, Francis calls on God to free us from the scourge of war

After the Angelus, the pontiff renewed the call to pray for peace in Ukraine, citing Pope Pius XII who visited Rome’s bombed out San Lorenzo district on 19 July 1943 to console afflicted families. Speaking about the parable of the Sower, he urged everyone not to tire of generously sowing the Word of God.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) – After the Angelus, Pope Francis turned to the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square and talked again about war. Citing the 80th anniversary of the bombing of Rome, especially hard on the San Lorenzo district, on 19 July 1943, when Pope Pius XII, now venerable, mingled with distraught residents, he called on the Lord to “deliver the human family from the scourge of war.”

“Unfortunately,” the pontiff said, “today too these tragedies are repeated. How is this possible? Have we forgotten everything? May the Lord have mercy on us [. . .] In particular, let us pray for the dear Ukrainian people, who are suffering so much.”

In his reflection before the Marian prayer, commenting on the parable of the Sower (Mt 13:1-23) from today’s liturgy, Francis stressed the importance for Christiana of never tiring of sowing the Word of God with generosity.

He cited the example of parents who "sow goodness and faith in their children,” for “they are called to do so without being discouraged even if at times they seem not to understand or appreciate their teachings, or if the world’s mentality works against it.”

Speaking about young people who dedicate time to those in need, he explained that although this “may seem wasted; instead, it is holy time, while the apparent satisfactions of consumerism and hedonism leave one empty-handed.”

Turning his attention to priests, men and women religious and lay people involved in the proclamation of the Gospel, he urged them not to forget that “even where it seems that nothing is happening, in reality the Holy Spirit is at work, and the kingdom of God is already growing, through and beyond our efforts.”

In a challenge to everyone, Francis asked: “Do I sow goodness? Do I only care about reaping for myself, or do I also sow for others? Do I sow some seeds of the Gospel in everyday life: study, work, free time? Do I get discouraged or, like Jesus, do I continue to sow, even if I do not see immediate results?”

In concluding, the pontiff greeted the groups of pilgrims in St Peter’s Square, with special thought for the parishes currently organising summer activities for children and young people; “there is a very popular one in the Vatican too,” he said.

For this concrete way to bear witness to the Gospel, he thanked priests, nuns, counsellors and families.