Pope to Mar Thoma Church: An ecumenical synod on evangelisation

Meeting in the Vatican with this confession from Kerala of Syriac origin but very close to the Reformed world, the pontiff expressed his desire for a common appointment among Christians of every denomination on the theme of mission: ‘Working together to bear witness to the Risen Christ is the best way to bring us closer together’.

Vatican City (AsiaNews) - An ecumenical synod to reflect and engage with other Christian denominations on the theme of evangelisation was proposed tofay by Pope Francis  when meeting in the Vatican for the first time with the entire Synod of the Syro-Malankara Mar Thoma Church, a Christian confession in Kerala that is heir to both the Syriac tradition of the Christians of St Thomas and the Reformed one.

It broke away in 1889 from the other Indian Churches that were heirs to the preaching of St Thomas precisely because of its closeness to the Protestant world in its relationship with Holy Scripture.

Welcoming the prelates led by Metropolitan Barnabas representing Metropolitan Theodosius (whom he wished ‘good health’), the pontiff emphasised the ecumenical vocation of the Mar Thoma Church, which defines itself as a bridge between East and West. He recalled how the future Metropolitan Philipose Mar Chrysostom also participated as an observer at the Second Vatican Council.

‘In recent years,’ recalled Pope Francis, ’Providence has allowed new relations to develop between our Churches. These contacts of ours have led to the start of an official dialogue: the first meeting was held last December in Kerala and the next one will take place in a few weeks. I rejoice at the beginning of this dialogue,‘ he added, “which I entrust to the Holy Spirit and which I hope will hasten the day when we will be able to share the same Eucharist, fulfilling the Lord's prophecy: ”They shall come from the East and from the West and sit at table’ (Mt 8:11)’.

And it is by referring to an idea that emerged during the Synod on Synodality just celebrated by the Catholic Church that the Pontiff evoked the horizon of a meeting between all Christian confessions on the theme of mission. ‘Synodality and ecumenism are inseparable also because both have as their objective a better witness of Christians,’ Francis said.

’However, mission is not only the end of the ecumenical journey, it is also its means. I am convinced that working together to bear witness to the Risen Christ is the best way to bring us closer. That is why, as our recent Synod proposed, I hope that one day we can celebrate an ecumenical Synod on evangelisation all together. And this Synod will be to guarantee, to pray, to reflect and to commit ourselves together for a better Christian witness, ‘so that the world may believe’ (Jn 17:21). Here too, I am certain that the Mar Thoma Church, which carries within itself this missionary dimension, can offer much'.