Minahil, only six years old, was raped in the Asan School System by Muhammad Hassan, an employee of the institute. The man was arrested after the family's complaint, tests on the girl confirmed the abuse and DNA results are awaited. Christian and Muslim leaders have visited the victim and expressed their closeness to the parents.
Lahore (AsiaNews) - A new case of sexual violence, involving a Christian girl only six years old, has shaken consciences in Pakistan. An interreligious meeting on the matter was held on 9th November at the Catholic parish of St. Francis' in Kot Lakhpat, a suburb of Lahore, in an attempt to ease tensions and ensure support and justice for the little victim.
Minahil, the daughter of Samsan Masih and Sonia Samsan, a student at the Asan School System in Faisal Town, was abused by Muhammad Hassan, a Muslim and a school worker at the educational facility.
According to witnesses, the man raped the girl on 31 October. An incident that is unfortunately not isolated, but brings to light the harsh reality of persecution and injustice suffered by minorities, especially Christian women and girls. An episode that has once again raised awareness of the need for collective action against child abuse and for the protection of vulnerable children, regardless of their faith or ethnicity.
A complaint against Muhammad Hassan was filed at the Faisal Town police station; thanks to the prompt response of the police, who cooperated with the victim's family, the perpetrator was arrested and is now in custody in prison. In the meantime, the girl has undergone a medical examination, which has confirmed the sexual violence against her, while the family - which, despite poverty, is fighting for justice - is waiting for the DNA results. To date, Minahil's condition is not good, especially psychologically because of the trauma she suffered.
The sexual violence suffered by the girl is part of a broader picture of abuse, persecution and violations suffered by women and girls, even very young girls, in Pakistan, including rape, abduction, forced marriage, confinement and lasting psychological trauma. These atrocities are often used to exploit and oppress them, depriving them of their dignity and basic human rights. Therefore, in response to Minahil's case, a meeting was convened to promote religious harmony, bringing together leaders of different faiths. An event under the banner of unity, dialogue and mutual respect was attended by personalities from the Islamic world and Christianity. A delegation of personalities from the two faiths also visited the home of the girl and assured her of their full support in the matter.
P. Lazar Aslam OFM Cap, a priest and well-known human rights defender, chaired the meeting, which brought together prominent speakers from different religious backgrounds, including: lawyers Kashif Nemat and Mishal Shamas, Maulana Asim Makhdoom, Mufti Syed Ashiq Hussain and Allama Qari Khalid Mahmood. Mufti Syed Ashiq Hussain stated that ‘neither the army nor the police want the girls to be exploited or abused’. ‘We stand by the victim's family and assure you of our full support in this case; the perpetrator,’ the Islamic leader emphasised, ’must be dealt with according to the law. It is worth noting that he is a prominent figure and his statement underlines the commitment of the police and the government in their efforts to prevent exploitation and ensure justice for the victims. The mufti concluded by stating that Minahil is ‘a child of the nation’ and minority children ‘must not be mistreated or abused’.
Fr. Lazar referred to Pope Francis when he stresses the importance of ‘interreligious dialogue as a necessary condition for world peace’ (Evangelii Gaudium 250). ‘By working together,’ he said, ‘we can create a safer and more compassionate world for all children. Finally, the priest expressed gratitude to all participants for their solidarity with the Christian community, praised their support and assured the family of spiritual, moral and financial assistance. He concluded by recalling ‘the family's Christian faith’ and promised to ‘closely monitor the case, ensuring that the perpetrator is prosecuted according to justice’.
Photo: Flickr / Un Women Asia and Pacific