Blogs threaten country's harmony, says prime minister
Internet users beware: abuses of press freedom by spreading false news that might undermine trust (especially that of investors) in the government's economic policies will be dealt with. Text messages will be monitored as well.

Kuala Lumpur (AsiaNews/TS) – Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi issued a clear warning. Anyone who spreads false news on a blog or via SMS about the country's situation will be arrested as a threat to national harmony. The Malaysian government has promised greater monitoring over what it considers online "abuses of freedom of expression"; et Communications Minister Lim Keng Yaik is categorical: it is not censorship.

On Wednesday, Mr Badawi warned that anyone putting inaccurate information on a blog, website or online portal could be liable and be investigated and arrested if the content troubled national harmony and let the public lose faith in the nation's economic policies.

Internet users should not be allowed to "abuse" freedom of expression and press freedom, the prime minister said. "If left alone, they can say or pass on all kinds of things." 

Short text messages sent via SMS (short message system) will be closely monitored as well, but Mr Badawi explained that there would not be a single monitoring system; instead, the police would be empowered to investigate allegations case by case.

Energy, Water and Communications Minister Lim Keng Yaik echoed the PM's words. Although there will be no censorship of the Internet, he said, bloggers are not above the law for what they publish in cyberspace.

"Local bloggers must control the contents of their blogs and be responsible. If the content is seditious, they will have to face the music," he said.

False or inaccurate information could make people, including investors, lose faith in the economy and the country's development programmes.