87 year old author of book on Zhao Ziyang arrested
Zong Fengming, who has recently published a book on the communist secretary expelled from the party for having opposed the student massacre, was taken by force to a military hospital. Since then, his whereabouts unknown.

Beijing (AsiaNews/Agencies) – The communist authorities have put under house arrest 87 year old Zong Fengming, the author of a new book on Zhao Ziyang, the communist secretary thrown out of the party following the massacre of Tiananmen square. According to Jin Zhong, publisher of the book –entitled Zhao Zhiyang, Imprisoned Conversations– the author disappeared following his forced removal to a military hospital for minor cardiac problems.  


Jin explained that “Zong has requested admission to a Beijing hospital on February 24th last, but the next day he was taken by force to a military structure.  Since then we have had no more news regarding his whereabouts, even if I know that his medical condition had stabilized before his disappearance.  He was arrested for his book”.


The communist authorities continue to target anyone who seeks to find out more about Zhao Ziyang, ex secretary general of the Chinese Party (CCP), who was castigated for his opposition to the Tiananmen massacre. The party placed him under strict house arrest until his death, in January 2005. The current Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabao, was one of his secretaries and accompanied him onto the square (see photo) to talk with the anti-corruption pro-democracy students.