




"Virgin of Charity of Cobre! Patroness of Cuba! ... Your name and image are inscribed in the hearts and minds  of all Cubans, inside and outside the home, as a sign of hope and center of fraternal communion.

Holy Mary, Mother of God and our Mother! Pray for us to your Son Jesus Christ, intercede for us with your maternal heart, filled the love of the Spirit. Increase our faith, enliven our hope, augment and strengthen love in us. Protect our families, protect young people and children, comfort those who suffer ...

Mother of reconciliation! Gather together your people scattered throughout the world. Make the Cuban nation a home of brothers and sisters so that this people will open wide its mind, its heart and its life to Christ, the only Savior and Redeemer ...

Stay with us, Lord ... It is in our families, enlighten and sustain them in difficulty. Stay with our children and our youth. In them is the hope and the treasure of our country. Stay with those who suffer, comfort them and protect them.

Stay with us, Lord, when we feel doubt, weariness or encounter difficulty; enlighten our minds with your Word; nourish us with the Bread of Life that we have in every Eucharist; help us to experience the joy of believing in you".