作者 Samir Youssef


艾尔比尔(亚洲新闻)—在地缘政治“十分紧张”的背景下, 伊拉克军队继续向摩苏尔老城挺进、而当地人们的人道主义紧急状况也日益严峻。为此,亚洲新闻通讯社发起的援助摩苏尔难民运动是“重要的、意义深远的”。伊斯兰国是一个“死亡、摧毁和羞耻的存在”。而基督信仰世界团结起来抵抗伊斯兰国的死亡。这是伊拉克库尔德斯坦阿玛蒂亚堂区本堂司铎萨米尔神父致函本社的信中表达的。这所堂区收容了大约3,500个摩苏尔基督徒、穆斯林和亚兹迪团体成员的难民家庭。他们都是在吉哈德势力占领摩苏尔后逃离家园的。

            早在二O一四年夏天,摩苏尔刚刚被伊斯兰国占领、紧急状态刚刚开始后,萨米尔神父就站在了援助难民第一线上。他感谢本社发起的援助摩苏尔难民运动不仅是一次简单的援助行动,而是造福伊拉克人民和难民的“文化与信息传播的工作”。萨米尔神父写到,“感谢你们,真相和教会的实情在各地作证”。萨米尔神父在发来感谢信的同时, 还附上了财政支出情况报告,详细地介绍了三月复活瞻礼前所得捐助的用途。





2,750美元 购买服装和鞋帽 




总计 21,400 美元

Dearest Fr Bernardo Cervellera, my dear friends at AsiaNews,

First of all, I pray to the Lord that you are well. I want to continue to thank you Fr Bernardo, and through you all of our AsiaNews friends, for the help you sent us during the Nawroz holiday and Paschal period (almost US$ 22,000) to help Christian, Muslim, and Yazidi refugees who are in trouble.

You, with your tangible love, make us feel great joy and make us understand that we are not alone, that we are a single body. Without your support, the local Church could not have gone forward. You have really helped us to move on in our work for the displaced.

The Catholic Church in general, and the Italian Church in particular, have done a lot for the Church of Iraq, and this historical fact will be remembered forever. The terrorism that sadly strikes all over the world today makes us think and ask: Where are we? Where is the freedom that frees us from this evil?

I believe that a response comes from our Father, because when we believe we have a Heavenly Father, and work to sanctify his name with our faith and charity, we make his kingdom visible.

Through his love, we try to accomplish the mission that he points to us. Only this way we shall not lack of daily bread, and his paternal love will not leave us and he will always forgive us. We receive a lot in exchange, in giving this daily bread and this forgiveness to others, to those whom the Lord will put in our lives and on our path.

I wanted to share these thoughts with you because you, with your affection, have made me find and live deeply the greatness of this "daily bread", which for me and all mankind is the true Jesus Christ, the true daily bread.

If humanity does not feed on the word of Jesus as it eats bread, it will never find peace. Only when we live as the children of our Father, shall we have true peace. When we are not this way, we could fall into temptation.

Finally, I pray to the Lord to bless all of you.

Below you will see how the donation money was used and a photo gallery showing the distribution of food and aid.

Fr Samir Youssef
