Vietnamese bishops to the faithful : Be witnesses of Christ and defenders of human life
by J.B. An Dang
New evangelization , life and family are the central themes of the concluding message of the annual meeting of the Episcopal Conference , meeting in Saigon. The prelates appreciate the work done in this Year of the faith and anticipate the "new challenges" . They revive the role of the family , of Christian marriage and the fight against abortion.

Ho Chi Minh City (AsiaNews ) - In the final letter at the conclusion of the annual meeting of the Vietnamese bishops' conference , scheduled for the last week in Saigon, the prelates invited faithful to " strengthen the faith , relying on the message of the Gospel and be heralds of the Word of God. " In particular , the bishops of the 26 dioceses in the country - meeting at the pastoral center of Ho Chi Minh City - ask the Catholic community to pay more attention to the renewal of family life and ethical issues such as abortion , marriage and culture of life. In a period marked by difficulties and attacks against community , diocese (see the campaign that struck the Vinh diocese and its bishop) and individual activists , church leaders stress the role of the Christian presence in Vietnam and the contribution to economic, social and human development of the nation.

The bishops have expressed joy for "the spiritual fruits in parishes , communities, dioceses and congregations " that emerged in this Year of Faith , announced by Pope emeritus Benedict XVI and that is about to conclude . At the same time , the bishops also warn " of the difficulties and challenges " encountered in "understanding the faith " and the path to follow to be true " Lord's disciples and witnesses of the Gospel," with the goal of "building a civilization of love and a culture of life. "

In the last three years (2010/2013) the Church in Vietnam has focused attention on teaching and the practical application "of the Christian mystery, communion and mission ". The goal now moves to the "New Evangelization " for the testimony of faith, as emerged from the work of the Synod of Bishops of 2012.

This relies on " all Christians" to be proclaimers of the Word of God, a task that also touches on the Vietnamese , starting from their families as the first and privileged core of life and witness of faith. The bishops look with particular attention to those who have gone through times of family crisis : the separated and divorced and remarried, those who have experienced " the scourge of abortion." These people are called to renew their relationship with Christ and his Church.

One of the first concrete steps to be taken, the Vietnamese prelates suggest to the individual dioceses to "pay more attention to the formation of clergy, religious, lay people are called to pastoral ministry " and especially those engaged "in the pastoral care of families ." Finally , the Episcopal Conference launches an appeal to writers , artists and Catholics involved in the world of communication and media , because " through their talents "they can enhance " the beauty of marriage and family life ."